positive or negative?

36 1 0

Angels POV:

I threw up, I felt so horrible. What was happening?

'You don't seem good, shall I call for someone?' Said the girl with a slight smirk to her face.

I got up slowly grabbing onto the wall for stability as I rinsed out my mouth with water.
'No no I'll be fine, thank you though.' I smiled at her slightly as she head back out.

As I headed back out towards the dance floor, I saw Cameron rushing over to me.

'Where the fuck did you wander off to? I thought I made it clear for you to fucking stay here!' His tone almost making me flinch.

'I just had to use the bathroom, it's not that big of a deal you know? God you're like my dad you're way too protective over me for no fucking reason.' I rolled my eyes and walked away but this time he didn't try stop me. He just let me go.

I headed down the street. There was a pharmacy near by. I looked a bit to extravagant in order to go to a pharmacy but it's fine, I looked smoking hot every step of the way.

I brought a pregnancy test and headed back to my rooms.

Cameron's POV:
I don't know what was wrong with me. Or most importantly, her.
For some weird reason I felt so attracted towards her but I don't fall for people. Everyone is just a side piece and that's it, no connections involved. But Angel.. fuck she made me feel a way that had been hidden for years and years. A side I didn't want to reveal, a side I didn't want anyone to see.

The last time I ever felt love towards someone in a way was towards my sister, Scarlet. But that's a story for another day.

Angel's POV:
the bedroom

I made my way back towards the hotel rooms and headed towards the bathroom.
I took the test.

It was positive.

I slowly leant against the wall with the test in my hands, my eyes filling with tears as I stared at the 2 pink lines.
I love Cameron I do, but for fucks sake he's a mafia leader and I'm pregnant with his child?
If he finds out he's going to fucking go insane and kill me.

I heard a bang against the door, a husky voice spoke.
It was Cameron.

'Angel opening the fucking door!' He said while slamming his fists against it.

I rapidly hid the test under a towel, wiping my tears.

Cameron's POV:
I could hear her crying on the other side of the door..

'Look I know I'm the last person you want to see right now and I'm sorry I yelled at you.' I said in a calm tone

I sat on the floor outside with my back against the door.

'Angel we do need to talk, we can't keep whatever connection we have between us anymore. I don't love you.' I said sighing.
The truth is I do love her, but the more attached I get to her the bigger the pain is.
I need to let go.
She is just a girl who I had to protect but that's it. It's over, there's no more reason for me to keep her here.

There was a moment of silence.

I heard her back slide down the door as the sobbed..

'I'm sorry Angel, I don't expect you to forgive me and I'll leave you alone from now on. You deserve much more than me, and I promised myself I wouldn't let anyone hurt you but I'm the one hurting you, you're a independent girl and I know you will find someone who can give you everything, raise a family with them, get married, be happy. Be free.'

I want the best for you, so I'm letting you go.
Goodbye, darlin..

I stood up and walked out.

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