goodbye past, hello future

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Angel's POV:

Cameron opened the door for me as he held out his hand to help me out the car. I sighed. My life was going to change from this point on. Rival mafias who want Cameron dead really think I'm his girlfriend? His lover?

I knocked on the door.
"Mom, it's me Angel. Open the door." I said in a light tone.
No response.
No response.
I turned to look at Cameron as he looked back at me confused.
I reached for the handle. The door opened, it was never locked. That was strange, mom always locks the door?
I walked inside to see her on the floor. Her lifeless pale body on the floor. A bottle of Hennessy in her left hand and a bottle of Jack Daniels in her right.

"Mom!?" I sobbed uncontrollably.
"FUCKING WAKE UP! No no no this isn't happening!" I screamed as I shook her gently. My eyes were a blur. I screamed out in pain. She was fucking gone.

It felt as if time had stopped. It felt hard to breathe. My tears rolled down my cheeks as Cameron grabbed her and carried her into the car. He ran back to me and picked me up placing me in the car as he shut the door and started driving fast as fuck towards the hospital.

"Angel, we are almost there." he said as I sobbed even more. My whole body felt like it was collapsing. Yeah my mother had did wrong to me and treated me like shit but I was never fucking prepared for this day to come.

He parked immediately and picked her up over his shoulders as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the A&E.

I fell onto my knees. Everything was so blurry. My eyes were just flooded with tears. The last thing I could see clearly was her body on a gurney heading over to a room. I knew there was no chance in trying to save her.

Cameron's POV:

I fucking hated seeing her like this. She was in so much pain and I couldn't even get rid of it. Why do I care so much?

I gently walked behind her and helped her up, hugging her tightly.
"Angel.." I whispered as she laid her head on my chest.

No reply.

Seeing her in this much pain made me feel so fucking mad. Why the fuck do I care so much about how she feels? Shes just a random girl I must protect, nothing more.

"Angel Sanchéz?" said one of the doctors.

She stood up quickly and looked at the doctor desperate for some good news. I was hoping to hear good news too as I couldn't bare to see her like this.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." the doctor walked away and sighed.

Her cries were fast to fill the hospital. I reached to pull her closer to me giving her a long protective hug. I stroked her hair as she cried against my chest.

"I'm so sorry darling." I sighed as I texted Peter to come collect us.

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