46. (Epilogue kinda)

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Jiyeon and Minho are now married and lived happier then they ever did. They get to live in together with the boys and Taehyun. And also, in just 3 months of training, SKZ was surprised of how Taehyun already works like a pro. He graduated last month and is now carrying on with his life as a trainee.

NCT has become SKZ's one of their closest partners. Minho was more than happy every time he gets to spend some time with Mark to catch up after all the drama. Jiyeon along with Jungwoo ad Taeil remained as the shithead family like they've always been. And that's pretty much some of the events that has occured in the past 3 months.

The boys are all basically still single, not really intrested in finding someone for a serious lifetime relationship like Jiyeon and Minho's. Everyone aside from Chan. He doesn't know specifically what his relationship is with Chaeri. He liked her a lot, but Chaeri hasn't said anything that somehow responded to that information. But Chan didn't mind and wanted to focus on assisting her first. He was able to help her and give her some genuine encouragement. He was basically there for Chaeri wheneve she neede him since the day after the wedding was called off.

Chaeri was even invited to Jiyeon and Minho's wedding, but she didn't show up, which didn't only upset Chan, but also slightly disappointed Minho. She was his first best friend after all. Chaeri was just too embarressed to show her fave to them, thinking that she would just ruin the mood when the boys saw her face. Jiyeon didn't mind if she came but also didn't care much that she didn't attend wedding. Although, she sometimes still gets the feeling of wanting to stick a knife into her eyeball. Even so Jiyeon hoped she was doing ok. Jiyeon forgave her easily, even after all the bad things she's done. That's strength. Holding a grudge won't help you move on from the past.


Chan was now spending time in a club with Jeongin and the rest of the 00's liner except for Han as he went on a mission with Minho, Changbin and Jiyeon.

When he went to the bartender, he spotted something or rather someone that made his heart jump either in excitement or surprise. Or both.

Chan: "Chaeri?"

The woman turned her head. Chan couldn't help but notice how her hair fell perfectly from her shoulder. Also he definitely noticed her different look. She was wearing a white turtleneck with a fitted leather pencil skirt that went down to her knees. It was less revealing compared to the clothes she used to have on and from what Chan knew, it was not a 'Chaeri thing' to wear. But she still looked stunning to him.

Chaeri: "Chan?? Glad to see you here."

Chan: "You too."

Chan sat down before ordering a drink.

Chaeri: "How are things?"

Chan: "You avoided being asked first, didn't you?"

Chaeri chuckled whilst she playfully scoffed.

Chaeri: "You're just too slow. Now tell me."

Chan: "Alright. I'm doing good. Nothing really new happened to me except for the fact that I am now suffering with trying to asleep. Those bunnies won't stop fucking every single night."

Chaeri laughed a little harder than last time amd took a sip from her wine.

Chan: "You didn't come to the wedding."

Chaeri: "I was embarrassed to show myself. I'm not fully comfortable to be around them casually yet. And I know they aren't either...."

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