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Jiyeon was just chilling when Felix suddenly bursted into her room.

Felix: "Oi I'm bored."

Jiyeon: "Then fucking do something about it."

Felix: "What canI do?"

Felix whined like a sad child who is dying of boredom. Jiyeon paused the movie.

Jiyeon: "Why don't you play video games with Chan like you normally do?"

Felix: "He's out on a mission with Jeongin."

Jiyeon: "And how could I possibly help you with that?"

Felix: "I dunno. Play with me."

Jiyeon: "Forget it. Your games are getting boring."


Han: "I won? I WON!!!"

Han yelled while he threw himself on Seungmin hugging him in joy for winning. Felix managed to convince not only Jiyeon but also the rest of the boys to play UNO together.

Jiyeon: "That means...."

Hyunjin: "Changbin hyung you lost, again!"

Felix: "Yeah now do aegyo!"

Changbin: "Alright alright....humph! Da da da da!"

The boys screamed and cringed in disgust along with Jiyeon while Seungmin just massaged his temple. It's the fifth time he's done aegyo because he's been losing the past few rounds of the game. But Changbin seems like he enjoys doing the penalty.

These boys were really different. Jiyeon never thought that a bad boy and deadly looking mafia gang could act so childish like they are now.

Felix: "It never gets old."

Seungmin: "This is so tiring to watch..."

Jiyeon: "One more round!"

The boys agreed and started to organize the cards again.

Han: "Minho hyung, you sure you don't wanna join?"

Minho, who was sitting at the couch, looked up from his phone.

Minho: "I'm sure. And also, keep it down will you?"

He said a bit harsh before paying attention back to his phone. The boys just shrugged in off. Why did he have to answer so rude? Jiyeon thought.

Changbin: "Can we do teams this time? If I lose again, I don't wanna lose alone."

Han: "Ok but I don't want to be in your team."

Changbin scoffed at Han.

Hyunjin: "You're so cute when you get mad."

Changbin: "Shut up if you wanna keep your pretty face."

Hyunjin: "But don't you need a ladder for that, shortie?"

Changbin: "At least I'm bigger than you! And I'm not talking about height."


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