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(Jiyeon was 6 y/o)

Jiyeon woke up to the sound of what sounded like a glass shatter. She got up from her bed since she was awake and wanted to drink water. And also see where the sound came from.

She went towards the kitchen and saw her dad on his knees.....crying. Jiyeon walked closer.

Jiyeon: "Dad?"

Her dad turned to her and quickly ran to her.

Dad: "You're awake! Listen cupcake, we need to leave."

Jiyeon: "What why- is that mom?"

She said and looked at her mother laying on the floor but his dad immediately blocked her view before she could see the blood.

Jiyeon: "W-what's wrong with her?"

Instead of answering, her dad picked her up and went towards the room.

Dad: "Pack your things, Jiyeon we're leaving soon."

Jiyeon wanted to say something but her dad already went somewhere else. She just did as he said. She took her small suitcase and started to pack some clothes.

Her dad came back with his suitcase and a sleeping baby Taehyun in his arms. He held her hand and started to walk towards the exit. And as they did so, Jiyeon again took a glance at her mother but this time, she saw her along with her blood.

Jiyeon: "MOM!"


Jiyeon's eyes flattered open. The bright light was blinding her so she could open her eyes completely. Then suddenly, she felt a sharp pain on her leg and she jolted up yelping, startling the person who was treating her scar.

Han: "Oh gosh! Yah, do not scare me like that."

Jiyeon: "What happened?"

Han: "You passed out earlier while trying to carry Felix. We're thankful for saving him by the way. We....didn't expect that."

Jiyeon: "You're welcome..."

Jiyeon said nothing else. She didn't know what else to say. She didn't know why she saved Felix when she had the perfect opportunity to just run away.

Han: "I'm Han Jisung. But I prefer you call me Han."

Jiyeon: "Ok- argh be careful!"

Han: "Stay still. Just a little more."

Han lastly wrapped a bandage around her leg.

Han: "Done."

Jiyeon: "Ummm Han"

Han: "Hmm?"

Jiyeon: "Will you guys still keep me locked up in here?"

Han: "I don't know Jiyeon. It's up to out leader. Gyeong still hasn't paid his debt."

Han said. Jiyeon sighed heavily.

Jiyeon: "You guys never listen do you?"

She looked down and closed her eyes. Han starred as if he didn't really care. Why would he, she thought. But little did she know that he did feel guilty, especially after she has saved one of their member, he wanted to repay her somehow.

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