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Minho: "We're here."

They excited the car. And the rest of the boys did too. They stood around Jiyeon to make sure she won't run away.

Minho: "Let's go."

They entered a building and there she saw a lot of rich looking people. The boys separated. Jiyeon was dragged with Minho and another guy with freckles.

Minho: "I see them. I have to go somewhere. Felix you tell her what to do."

Felix: "Got it."

The guy named Felix nodded and Minho left the two. Felix turned to Jiyeon and started to explain what she had to do.

Felix: "See those guys right there? They're ATEEZ. The guy with the blue hair is named Mingi. Track him away from the others and bring him to the room upstairs with the number 102 on the door. Chan, Minho, Changbin and Seungmin will await you there."

Jiyeon: "Why did I even agree to this?"

Felix: "Stop complaining before we do something to you too. Here."

He gave her a small ear piece. Jiyeon decided to play along until she finds a way to flee. She put it in her ear and went towards the group of boys.

Jiyeon: "Hi."

She simply said as she sat beside the guy named Mingi whom she had to distract.

???: "Who are you?"

Jiyeon: "Jane. Nice to meet you. You guys look really...handsome."

Mingi: "Thanks. Do you want a drink?"

Mingi offered. Jiyeon smirked as she had the feeling that he was already interested in her.

Jiyeon: "Sure."

Mingi: "Come with me. I'll be right back hyung."


As they went to the bar, Mingi ordered two drinks for the both of them.

Mingi: "So tell me more about you."

Jiyeon: "Well I'm a daughter of one of the biggest CEO in korea. I didn't really want to come to this party but they dragged me with them. It's so boring."

She talked while playfully stirring her drink.

Mingi: "Wanna have fun then?"

He said with a playful grin.

Jiyeon: "I know a room."

Mingi: "Let's go then."

He held her hand as she led him to the room upstairs where Felix told her to bring him to.

They went into the room. Mingi went in first and he was right away knocked down on the ground by Chan. Minho and the other guy which she assumed was Seungmin, tied his hands together.

Mingi: "Argh! Shit I should've know you fuckers would come at me one day!"

Minho: "You stole something from us. Where is it?"

Mingi: "Suck my ass."

Changbin kicked him in the face and Mingi started to bleed.

Minho: "You better tell me now or I will shoot this bullet right through your head and also the rest of you."

Mingi secretly pressed a bottom on his watch to send an SOS message to the others.

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