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Dad: "Jiyeon you're not focusing."

Jiyeon: "I'm sorry dad."

Her dad let out an apologetic sigh. He approached her and saw her tears in her eyes.

Dad: "I'm sorry for screaming, dear. I shouldn't have been so harsh on you."

Jiyeon: "It's not that, dad. Mom just popped up in my mind. I just realized how painful it is to lose her. You said that I should do this for her and here I am disappointing you. She must be disappointed as well."

Dad: "Don't say that Jiyeon. You're not disappointing me, you never did. In fact, I'm more proud than I could ever be and I'm sure your mother is too. I hope I could protect you by teaching you like this."

Jiyeon: "Dad, who killed mom anyway? And why?"

Her dad seemed a bit surprised by the question.

Dad: "I don't know....but that doesn't matter, dear. What matters is that you'll never forget her and how she loves you and your brother very much. Take good care of your brother, Jiyeon. I won't be with the 2 of you forever. I'll join your mother someday."

Jiyeon: "Dad don't say that you're makin me cry!"

She and her dad laughed while he pulled her into a big hug.

Jiyeon: "I love you dad."

Dad: "I love you too."


As Jiyeon slowly opened her eyes, she immediately felt a sharp pain in her head. She let out a slight groan. Jiyeon shifted around still with her eyes closed.

Jiyeon: I love this bed.

Jiyeon continued to roll around the bed to ease the headache when she reached the end without knowing and fell off the bed.

Jiyeon: "Shit."

She landed on something that definitely did not feel like a hard floor. It's wasn't a soft pillow or something either. It was a Minho. Jiyeon was now laying on top of him with their faces extremely close.

Minho: "Ouch..."

Jiyeon quickly got off him before her face turned bright red like a tomato. Because Minho was wearing none other than only a pair of sweatpants and nothing on top.

Jiyeon: "I-I'm sorry."

Minho sat up and Jiyeon's eyes automatically focused on him.

Minho: "Was that on purpose?"

Jiyeon: "What?"

Minho: "That you fell on top of me?"

Jiyeon: "No it wasn't. And by the way, why am I in your room huh?"

Minho placed his elbow on his knee and tilted his head. He smirked.

Minho: "You don't remember?"

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