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Two days have gone by really fast. Minho and Jiyeon didn't talk much since then.  Jiyeon is not the reason tho, Minho has been kind of avoiding her which she has noticed.

But that's not the only thing she noticed. Minho made a slight change and the boys saw that as well. He hung out more with the boys even just for a bit. Jiyeon even caught him slightly smiling yesterday. She has never seen him smile and it sure was the most beautiful smile ever.

But she still asks herself why he was keeping a distance from her.


Jeongin: "Do you miss him?"

Jiyeon looked at Jeongin who asked a random question just out of the blue. They were both just chilling at the kitchen counter.

Jiyeon: "Miss who?"

Jeongin: "You brother."

Jiyeon: "Is that even a question? Of course I do."

Jeongin: "Must be hard, huh."

Jiyeon let out a sigh. There wasn't a single day when she didn't think about him.

Jiyeon: "It is. He's pretty much the only reason why I'm still here. I have to stay by his side. But how can I do that in this situation?"

Jeongin brushed his hair with his hand.

Jeongin: "Aren't you worried that maybe Gyeong could find out about your brother?"

Jiyeon: "Hell yes I am. My mind can't rest because of it."

Jiyeon's anxiety started to grow by the thought. This really just happens when it comes to her famiy.

Jeongin: "Noona"

Jiyeon turned her head towards his direction. Jeongin opened his arms for her.

Jeongin: "Pretend that I'm your brother for a second. I'll let you hug me."

Jiyeon chuckled ridiculously. But she agreed anyway

Jiyeon: "Alright."

Jiyeon entered his arms and felt his arms wrapped around her body. Him and Taehyun were both pretty slim, so it felt realistic. It felt nice. Jiyeon's tears started to build up without her realizing. Jeongin noticed it and rubbed her back.

They pulled back after a while.

Jiyeon: "Thank you."

Jeongin: "Did it help?"

Jiyeon: "Yeah it did. It even felt realistic except that he's much taller..."

Jeongin laughed while trying to hide the disappointment of her calling him short.

Jiyeon. "I'll go around the house for a while to clear my mind."

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