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Name: "abc" = spoken dialogue
Name: abc = thoughts
abc or *abc* = action

Guide:Name: "abc" = spoken dialogue Name: abc = thoughtsabc or *abc* = action

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Jiyeon [assasin]

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Jiyeon [assasin]

Jiyeon came to meet her boss in office after she has acomplished her mission.

Boss: "Were you able to kill him?"

Jiyeon: "Yes, boss."

Boss: "And his family?"

Jiyeon shook her head as a no.

Jiyeon: "No."

Her boss slammed his fist on the table in anger.

Boss: "Why not?!"

He shouted in an irritated tone.

Jiyeon:"They were innocent, boss."

Jiyeon answered. She couldn't kill innocent human beings, despite that it was actually included in her mission.

Boss: "You're so maddening. I don't want this to happend again. The next time you fail me, I'll kill you."

Jiyeon: "You would've alreay done it if you do."

Jiyeon fired back whilst she rolled her eyes in annoyance. Her boss walked around the table and stood in front of her, stabbing her eyes with his glare.

Boss: "Listen here Jane, remember that I am the one who's keeping you alive with my money. So you better do as I say. Now leave!"

She left the room feeling irritated by her boss.

Her name isn't  Jane, it's Jiyeon. But her boss didn't like the name so he gave her a a new one. She was a part of an evil mafia gang that do forbidden stuff.

The old man is the gang boss. Jiyeon earned a lot of money from him by doing missions, illeagal buisness and killing people that he asks for her to.

Taeil: "You leaving now?"

One of the gang member asked.

Jiyeon: "Yep."

Jungwoo: "Let me take you home."

Jiyeon: "Thank you"

Jungwoo and Taeil were the only ones that she was close to inside and outside the mafia gang. They were also her only friends.

They were the one's with the kind heart, although they're into illegal doings. They just need money for the sake of their family.


It was already 11:00pm when she arrived home. She saw her little 16 year old brother in the living room still watching the television.

Jiyeon: "Yah Taehyun-ah why are you still awake?"

Taehyun: "I couldn't sleep ok"

He answered answered with him still occupied on the TV.

Jiyeon: "Get your ass to bed you still have school tomorrow."

Taehyun: "Fine"

They boy groaned. He reached for the remote control and got up from the sofa.

Jiyeon: "Where's aunt?"

Taehyun: "Already sleeping."

He replied as he lazily went into his room, shutting the door.

Where are their parents? They're gone. They were both killed. Jiyeon and Taehyun have been  living with their aunt for the past 4 years since her father got killed. Her mother, she's been killed long ago when Jiyeon was only 6.

Their aunt worked really hard to be able to earn money for the three of them. Jiyeon didn't want her aunt to do all the work so she did agree to join a mafia gang. Taehyun and her aunt didn't know about her working there, killing people if she's asked to.

Jiyeon hated it, she wanted to quit. But she had no choice. She was desperate for money, but only dor being able to help her family.



Aunt: "Darling, I'm heading off to work ok? Bye"

She kissed them both on the head and left the house.

Jiyeon: "Bro, do you want me to drive you to school?"

Taehyun: "No thanks you always embarrass me by playing loud girly songs it's so annoying."

Jiyeon: "You listen to them in the house stop acting like you don't like them in public. If you say so..."

She laughed and took another bite from her food.

Taehyun then noticed a scar on her neck that looked fresh cutted.

Taehyun: "Noona, you have a scar right there. What happened?"

Jiyeon quickly slapped her hand over her neck to cover it. It was still from last night when she killed the victum.

Jiyeon: "I uhh umm was playing with the knife earlier and I accidentally cut myself."

Taehyun: "I always see you with scars or bruises how clumsy can you be?"

Taehyun sighed fretfully. Jiyeon let out a nervous laugh.

Jiyeon: "Oops. I'll be carefull next time."

After having breakfast, her brother got ready for school.

Taehyun: "I'll be leaving noona."

Jiyeon: "Alright study well and take care!"

Taehyun left the house and she was the only one left.


She got a message from her boss.

Jane, I have a mission for you.

Yes Boss I'll be on my way now.

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