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Jiyeon came out of her room and to the dining room. The boys were eating casually while the youngest boys looked at her playfully.

Jiyeon: "Umm where's Minho?"

Chan: "He's phoning someone. He'll come shortly."

Jiyeon nodded and sat down on the table.

Jeongin leaned closer and placed his hand beside his mouth.

Jeongin: "How was Minho hyung?"

He whispered. Jiyeon pulled a strand of his hair harshly earning a whine from him.

Felix: "Hey hey why are you hurting the baby?"

Jeongin mocked Felix for calling him a baby. Jiyeon continued to eat her meal ignoring Felix.

Seungmin: "Jiyeon and Minho hyung made out."

Seungmin spoke out of nowhere. The boys and Jiyeon chocking on their own food was enough to make Jeongin and Seungmin bust a gut.

Changbin: "They what?"

Han: "When???"

Chan: "Jiyeon?"

They turned their attention to the girl who had her hands covering her face in embarrassment.

Hyunjin: "Tell us what happened!"

Jiyeon zipped her mouth shut, saying that she won't tell a word. The boys groaned in desperation.

Han: "I need details!"

The other guy sitting next to her pleaded while tugging on her shirt.

Minho: "What's with the loud noises?"

As soon as Minho entered the chat, everyone cut the cackle. Minho took a seat but couldn't feel the urge eat with the boys observing him.

Felix: "Hyung-"

Hyunjin, Han and Changbin jumped in surprise when Jiyeon let out a loud, manly like cough interrupting Hyunjin.

Jiyeon: "I'm umm finished eating. Goodnight fellas."

She quickly stood up and dashed out of the dining room.

Chan: "Girl, it's 6 p.m!"

Chan shouted but Jiyeon has already ran off. The boys sighed unsatisfied but soon adverted their gaze back to their leader.

Minho: "What?"



A door being busted open made Jiyeon fall out of her bed causing her to whimper in pain.

Jiyeon: "Aish, you asshole, why did you have to burst in so suddenly? I could've been changing or something."

Han: "Come on get up."

After he managed to drag to the to living room where the rest of the boys were, Han groaned in exhaustion.

Jiyeon: "What is this gathering about?"

Hyunjin: "Nothing serious. We could've died of boredom so we. are. playing. a. game. bitch."

Hyunjin states while clapping in between the words.

Jiyeon: Stupid assholes.

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