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Jiyeon shook while tears covered her face. She was furious.

Jinyoung: "I have to protect you and your brother Jiyeon-ah, it was Hansung's favor."

Jiyeon: "Gyeong was the cause of both my parents' death?"

Jinyoung gave her a nodded. Jiyeon would never forgive Gyeong for what he has done. He wanted to get him back. Only anger and sadness filled her heart at this moment. Jinyoung patted her head to calm her down.

Jiyeon: "What can we do now?"

Jinyoung: "Let's just hide you from him for now, then let's see what we can do."


On the ride home, the boys stayed quiet for Jiyeon's sake. Minho took a glance at her ans saw her head hanging low while she tried to prevent herself from crying. They arrived back home and entered the mansion.

Han: "Do you wanna eat, Jiyeon?"

Jiyeon: *shakes head* "No thanks. I'm just going to sleep."

With that she headed towards her room. As soon as she was inside, she went to her bed and hot tears were streaming again. She punched the pillow as Gyeong came into her mind once again.



Jiyeon heard a knock on the door. Someone opened the door and went inside. Jiyeon turned around and was surprised to see Chan.

Jiyeon: "What do you want?"

Chan: "Woah not even a nice hello?"

Jiyeon: "I'm not in the mood for shit right now."

She rolled her eyes and turned her head back to the tv. Chan came closer and sat on the edge of her bed.

Chan: "Look, I know we're not really in good terms right now, but I hate seeing you upset. Where's the badass yet bratty Jiyeon that I know?"

She stayed silent while listening.

Chan: "You know, the boys and I, we all went through hard times. I'm sure Felix told you about his. And believe me you'll get better one day."

Jiyeon: "I know, but I'm so angry at Gyeong- I can't believe was the one who took my parents' life."

Her fist tightened.

Chan: "I know how you feel. I also couldn't forgive him for doing the same to mine."

Jiyeon: "Wait he did?"

Chan: *nods* "Gyeong has been my enemy from the beginning. Because he was my patents' enemy. One day he killed them both and my siblings. He really likes people to suffer. I don't even know why I haven't gotten my revenge yet."

Chan told her. It was the first time that he has opened up to her. Jiyeon scooted closer and gave him a pat on the back.

Chan: "We're here whenever you feel down. You're a part of us now."

Jiyeon gave him a warm smile.

Jiyeon: "Thank you, Chan. You're not that much of a dick after all."

Chan: "I wasn't a dick in the first place."

Jiyeon: "Uhhh yes you were, mister. You were even mad because we didn't fuck."

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