Ch.1 Nice Watch

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A/n this story has three different POVs like Lock N Key so try your best to keep up.
Monti P. O. V

"Mmm Monti right there you almost right there." Prince said rubbing her back she had a long day of work it my job to relax her and I planned on doing so. I smile rubbing her back and get moans of pleasure I wish my hand were somewhere else. So like the pervert I was I started making my hand go slowly lower.

"You like that baby?" I asked even through I knew the answer to the question I smirked when I got moan in a response.

"Monti." She moaned the turned around a seductively instantly I got turned on I didn't think I just do as I started giving butterfly kisses always down to her treasure, I slowly sit up and start taken off her pants and playing with her pearls. I was teasing the hell out of her. I knew she was getting impatient with me by the way she keep trying to guide to the middle.

"A'Monti stop playing and fuck me." Prince growled out I smiled wide and take off her panty I was just about to go down when I heard.

"MONTI!" I looked at Prince and she looking at me impatient. But I didn't give a damn and was about go down again when I heard.



I groaned and turn to the direction of my best friend Prince and glared at her. Forget fact that I just dreaming about fucking my best friend but let's forget that let's forget the fact I'm horny as fuck right now and focus on the fact that bitch just called me broke and I'm anything but that.

"Nigga I know you not calling anybody broke. Fuck outta here still living with they momma and shit." I said stretching my body out, I knew why Prince lived with mom her house was getting renovated.

"Bitch don't do me." She responded back making me laugh I got out my bed stretching, then I walked over to Prince and we hugged and then I let go then shook up. Even though I really wanted a kiss.

"But that the point I always want to do you." I said smirking and looking at her up and down. I feel her push me and I started laughing even though I was dead ass serious. Just cause I dream about getting with her in my dreams, didn't mean I didn't try to in real life.

"Can you stop being gay Monti, get ready we got to met up with Sade. " She said and instantly my mood changed at the mention of Sade.

"Yeah okay." I said then pushed pass her trying to get to the bathroom. I didn't like Sade, she had what I wanted and more.

"Monti don't act like that," Prince said grabbing me by my wrist I snatch it my wrist away from her, and keep walking to the bathroom I don't know why she was with that fuck nigga Sade she was always getting in the way of me trying get with Prince, I heard her cussing under her breathe, "Monti"

I didn't say nothing I just slam the door hard that it almost broke the door off the hinges. I felt myself about to cry. I hated this feeling, but I could never hate Prince.
Chaz P. O. V

"Chaz you ready to get this money." My friend Sade said she was part the game and we were both meeting up with two of her people so we could get this drop done I was ready I was always ready.

"Yeah man I'm always ready to get this money. " I said rubbing my hands together Sade grinned as she started the car and instantly I regret letting her drive, because as soon as she drove of my life started to flash before my eyes immediately, "yo Sade slow down bro I'm pretty sure whoever we going to pick they still gonna be there when we get there."

Sade glanced at me then back at road then purposely she speed up.

"I'm a die, I'm a die I'm a mothafucking die Sade gone kill me, and when she do I'm gonna kick her ass." I thought to myself I picture myself dying by being shoot by some nigga that didn't like me because I'm doing something they wasn't and that was making money.

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