Ch.23 Game Change

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King P. O. V

"Really bitch you got food without me, and what the fuck she doing here?" I said mugging Monti smirked punching me in the chest I groan grabbing my chest, I hate her so much.

"I told you everything after Demetrius birthday you should know why don't make me have to explain it again."  Monti said drinking from her McDonald's cup, Kaz chuckled moving closer to me with a slight smirk on her.

"You kissed me first." She mouth clearly I squinted my eye at her before brushing her off, I focused on Monti who finally set her cup down.

"Unconscious or half way unconscious?" Kaz asked loud cracking her knuckles Monti snicker smirking. I want to punch her in her face but she'd beat my ass nah I'm good.

"Wait I don't got a say in this?" Monti nodded her head shrugging her shoulders sympathetically I side eyed because I know she was being fake with her dumb ass.

"Hell no you ain't got no choice." Then after that was said everything went black.

Kaz P. O. V

"Damn I wasn't done talking to her." Monti said laughing as I caught her in my I grab for the gun below her waist putting it in my waist and search her for anything else. Once I couldn't find nothing else I pick her up.

"And?" I asked  trying not to drop King on her ass, Monti shoved her hand in her pocket looking nonchalant.

"My son." Monti looked down like she was embarrass to say anything more, but she spoke again when I didn't pass judgement. "I need to make sure he not here."

I didn't say anything just walked away with grunt as she ran the opposite direction. From the corner of my eyes I spotted something but ignored it as I put King in the backseat. Then got in car leaning back in seat.
15 minutes later

"So this is King." I jumped as pulling out gun on O'moni who did the same as me. I sighed relieved sort of I still didn't put my gun.

"The fuck is wrong with you, are you trying die." I snapped angry that she did that, she chuckle shrugging as she lowered my gun down for me.

"If you gone kill me better hope you get it right the second time." She said mugging me now I smirked if only she now I let her live on purpose.

"Same for you." I flexed my jaw as she laughed getting in the car next to King I didn't like that, I let it be until then. I remembered Monti hadn't came the house yet I glanced at O'moni who smiled big.

"Son of a bitch." I said realizing what O'moni had done she chuckled getting in the driver sit I knew I aim for her damn heart.

"Should I drive or do I got to knock you out too?" O'moni started the car, I shook my head as she drove off I hope I'm not on nobody shit list after this was all said in done.
Monti P. O. V

"Fuck," I grumbled I opened my eyes only too closed them again, I heard voices but couldn't quite figure out who. I tried rubbing my head cause it hurt but I couldn't.

"Awe good your all up now." I heard I open my eyes this time letting to see Kaz and her sister who name I couldn't remember stand there. Kaz looked me apologetically and her sister just smirked.

I looked at who spoke, and laughed like really I laughed until I couldn't breathe as a tear rolled down my face as everybody stared at me like I was crazy.

"Damn Grits I let ya dumb ass live and you repay me by doing some lil bitch shit. Cause yous a lil bitch, I can't wait to get the fuck out this so I can slit you and that DUMB SCARY BITCH THROAT BEHIND YOU. YOU FUCKING HEAR ME I'M A FUCKING KILL Y'ALL!" I yelled pissed off not at them but myself for getting everybody in this miss if I wouldn't have just keep that folder to myself and continued to push Chaz away until she left me the fuck alone nobody would be in this situation except for me. My head hurt but I didn't care all I want is blood on hands.

"Monti stop." I heard Chaz gritted through her teeth, but I ignored her and keep trying to break out out the chain but these bitches wouldn't break and neither would.

"Monti just stop." King whispered the on her told she gave up I stopped finally, look at both I sat there feeling defeated, couldn't do nothing I got caught up, and I never slip.

"Listen it's just business, and since I didn't get the last time I'm gone get it this time." Gritty said smirk along with a Prince who stood behind him holding his hand I almost threw up but smirk well if I gotta die might as well have fun.

"Yo Grits you still taking dick from the back? Remember when I came to kill you and you was on all fours screaming 'ohhh daddy go deeper I like that big dick.' Then you really screamed when that AK-47 came to yo mothafucka face with a quickness. Bitch niggas like you don't deserve a second breath fuck was I thinking? " As I said I did all the face he did that day everybody that was in the room looked at Gritty with a look of pure disgust you can't be a pimp/hustle and be trapped the closet now can you? Kaz and her sister snickered but straighten up they when Gritty glares at them.

"Oh damn Prince remember that I told you yo head and stroke game was A1... Well bitch I lied yo shit D2 now Chaz ohh she got A1-"

I was interrupted by Prince punching me in the face, I laughed and like too see everybody doing the same it now clear that these dumb fucks didn't have control over they crew and that made me smile.

"Awe don't be a salty bitches." I pouted then laughed as Gritty hit me too, I laughed and as I sat up I heard a click and I felt the metal against my head. Chaz look scared and King look like she wanted to cry she wanted to do some but knew it was impossible.

"Do it and I swear I'll be the happiest fucking person you ever killed." My eyes filled with tears and I closed my eyes, this the last...


A/n I'm petty for that I know anyways

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