Ch.9 Nobody's Safe

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Next Day

Monti P. O. V

This time I didn't take her for granted I didn't leave this time I stayed wrapped in on her arms for some reason I felt like I could be in her arm forever, I felt like her and I coul- wait what the fuck am I saying.

"AYO GET THE FUCK UP!" I yelled loud, I laughed when Chaz jumped up and started running around then glared at me when she realize I hadn't moved a muscle.

"You a asshole." She said glaring at me I grinned at her and shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm an asshole, I ain't shit... What else am I going to be?"

"If you quit playing hopefully mine" Chaz smiled and got on top of me damn it was hard to look away from her black eyes it was like her soul was right there looking into mine and wha t the hell am I thinking, you not supposed catch feelings.


"We gone see about that."

King P. O. V

"King nigga did you sleep last night, you look like sh-"

"If you say shit I will shoot you." I glared at my twin as she tried not laugh, I was serious about shooting her ass, I pulled my gun out putting it to her her head.

"Man, you know dad taught us better than that, if you're going kill me, do it when I'm sleep, or get Monti crazy ass to do it." She said smirking, I rolled my eyes putting my gun back in my waist and so does she, I couldn't kill my sisters, and I knew the same, I mean that what I hope, "for real Tia wassup? What's the matter with you?"

"You might think I'm crazy but I saw Sade yesterday I don't know if was because of the weed I was smoking or what but shit got me pressed." I responded rubbing my neck a lot has be going on.

"Shit someone laced your shit too, I saw her too like last week was trying to tell me something I don't remember much but it was crazy, she was trynna tell me something."

"Me too it was something obvious though like someone is about go against us, so basically nothing new." I said shrugging my shoulders and leaning my head against the wall, I was so tired but money never sleep, I mean I got hustle somehow college don't pay for it's self.

Chaz P. O. V

"Let me take you out." I said wrapping my arms around Monti, she was tense in my arms but relaxed then she grow tense again.

"The door," She retorted I know she was joking though that all that girl was, was jokes.

"I'm not her." I stated in her ear then I kiss her neck, and hear her moan, yeah I could get use to this.

"Yeah that's the part that's scares me." She mumbled under her breath I didn't think I was suppose to hear that, so I let her go and shrug my shoulders.

"What you gonna do when she come back? I mean Demetrius." I changed the subject to the get my mind off what she said.

"I don't know," Monti sighed and shrugged her shoulders, "I mean before Prince and me got together that was my nigga, I introduced her to all this, back than I wanted us to be here  in the now."

"Awe okay."

"Speaking of my Godson I gotta go pick him up from Momma Dukes house... You by any chance want go with me to pick him up." Monti said rubbing her hand together nervously I never seen this side of Monti, but I like it.

"Yeah but Momma Dukes?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows together, Monti smiled walking up to me kissing my lips, yeah I like this Monti better.

"Somebody you'll meet sooner or later."

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