Ch.3 Blood Ain't Aways Thicker Than Water

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King P. O. V

"Alright cool I'm Kazi, but everybody call me Ka-"

"Kaz. "

Chaz interrupted her speaking you would thought she was about kill Kaz. Now that I'm looking Kaz and Chaz they kind of looked alike sorta.

"You know her?" Tayanna said pushing pass Georgie and Jamie they were still getting ready.

"Yeah I know her, that's my little cousin," Chaz said then she turned to Kaz, "what the fuck you doing outside of the islands"

Kaz looked mad that her cousin would ask her such a questions was asked of her she glared at Chaz.

"Same thing you are."

Kaz answer simple and short enough for the point to get across nobody said nothing after that. Everybody just continued to get ready.
Monti P. O. V

I didn't stay, I just left without being seen, not like nobody gave a damn if I was there or not. I walked my ass all the way home which took me a good two hours to do so I wonder they did with newbie. I knew how King and Tay felt about jumping people in.

I was chilling mad bored I look through my phone trying to find someone to hang with or do something if it lead to something.

I keep scrolling and scrolling until I found her know she'd take my mind off any and everything I call her and wanted until she picked up.

"What's up?" Her raspy voice rang though my ears and a smile instantly comes on my face.

"Come thru." I spoke not trying make any small talk, I mean really what's the point if I only want one thing like for real? I hear her chuckle and if I could see her she be shaking her head too.

"Is there ever a damn hi or hello with you like damn A'Monti greet a nigga back."

I rolled my eyes but nonetheless gave my answer when I said again.

"Nah now come thru."

"Damn okay I'll be there in twenty. " She said smacking her teeth and I got up off my couch.

"Be here in fifteen. " I didn't give her really a chance to reply I just hung up, threw my phone on the couch got up with to the bathroom and took the best shower ever.

15 minutes later

I was long out the shower I was now only wearing a towel and a sport bra. No need to put on more clothing when I'm a take back off anyways.

I heard knocks at my door so I got up and answered the door to see her stand there. Looking like a hot bag of Cheetos. She check me out and I wouldn't lie and say I was doing the same thing.

I didn't even tell her to come in I just pull her in to my house slammed the door with one hand and slammed her against the wall I wasted no time kissing her, her hand go straight to my towel that was wrapped. She started to tug and that all she had to do, she pulled me close to her before sudden pulling away.

"Pause, " She spoke we were both breathing heavy, and she just look at me for second admiring me. For second that bugged me but I didn't say anything apart me enjoyed it the other just wanted to bust a nut and kick her out my house when she was done, " you should let me take care of you. "

Her hands went to the part that made me sensitive and I moaned as she started to message it. She smirked loving my reaction at this point I felt like a bitch. Everything she did was slow and I wanted it to be anything but slow so I started moving my hips in sync with her fingers.

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