Ch.20 Unforgivable

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Monti P. O. V

I ran my hand through my hair this could not be happening to me, I clench my jaw I wanted to hit someone or something but instead I took out my antidepressants open the cap and popping the last two in my mouth.

Shit I need to get some more.

"It's your call Monti you want kill him or what?" Jesse clasped his hands together worried for me to make my call. I shrugged my shoulders like I didn't care.

"Tell King after all the nigga ain't my problem." I stated about to walk out but Jesse grabbed me pulling me back a looking worried. I didn't blame Jesse for looking that way everybody that knew me, new how much Wayne meant to me he was like my brother until he crossed me. I knew how much Wayne meant to Jesse, killing him he didn't want to do.

"Monti this is your problem, if I tell King all she's gonna do is kill him. That's my brother Monti I can't watch her kill him... Talk to him something it's been 5 years." Jesse pleaded I closed my eyes trying not to think, I didn't want to talk him I took deep breathe making my decision.

"He got four days Jesse, then he got to get the fuck outta town, tell that to everybody anywhere else that's not our problem. King nor me are responsible for what happen after that." I stopped talking shrugging my shoulders I walk away again but Jesse pulled me back pointing into the room with King.

"I heard what you told her, me and you both know she not just some rich nigga doing your work y'all both rich both do the same shit go say sorry or I'm telling." I looked at Jesse squinting my eyes at him, I know I should say sorry but I didn't want too. Raising his arm he pointed to the door.

"Who you gone tell my mommy and daddy like they give a fuck about us." I said grunting, Jesse pointed a fingered me then dropped nodded to the door as I keep shaking my head no.

"Then I'm a just call Momma Dukes. I know she ain't heard from neither you or King in a while..." Jesse pulled out his phone laughing there ain't, no possible way he got my grandma's phone number in his phone then again...

"Fuck okay damn I'm going." I pushed the door open hearing Jesse chuckle muttering every time I smacked my lips like bet it won't be funny when his money mysteriously disappears. I turn around seeing King sitting on loft chair, thought told keep her ass on the ground.

"What now?" She asking glaring at me, I raise my eyebrows tempted to but shook my head.  I ran my tongue over my top teeth and thought of something sincere to say.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I also didn't mean to slam you like that... I ain't take my medicine." I sniffed staring at her blankly at her as she cracked a smile shaking her head, everybody knew I wasn't big on apologies.

"How much of that do you actually mean?" King questioned chuckling I smack my teeth looking up at the ceiling then back at her shrugging my shoulders.

"Slamming yo ass on the floor bitch you deserved that." I grinned at her as she flipped me off, I sat next to her throwing my hand around her shoulder she tensed up, but soon relaxed in my arm.

"I love you MJ." King said messing with my hair. I smile softly it wasn't  often that we said I love to each other.

"I love you too mothafucka." I mugged her she laid her head on my shoulder this was all had beside Chaz.

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