Ch.14 Set up

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Chaz P. O. V

It's been a week since I was finally got out the hospital. I hadn't talk to Monti really I hadn't talk to no one. I just want to recover in peace not have to worry bout nothing, for a moment I just want peace. Me, myself, and the bottle Ciroc on my side.

"You know you not suppose to be drinking." Monti voice spoke behind me I rolled my eyes fuck what I'm not suppose be doing I'm doing it anyways.

"You know liars get kilt fucking with me right." I responded grabbing my gun next to me, turning around I pointed it at her, she didn't looked phased. In fact she looked confused.

"What are you talking about?"

She moved closer to me, her eyes never leaving the gun, I wanted to pull the trigger, but I couldn't do it.

"When were you gonna tell me that you are a queen pin huh yo you related to Tayanna and King that never came cross your sisters... Fuck that when in the actual fuck were you going to tell me Demetrius was your son not Prince's son? When?" I stated the shit the Monti/ MJ I don't know what her name was anymore after her father talked to me I saw her in a different light, in my eyes she was liar.

I could tell she realized what was happening she was caught. Monti stared at me for moment before she was actually in front of my gun. She raised a eyebrow amused she bust out laughing. I wanted punch her. But like me wanting to pull the trigger I couldn't.

"Alright this is how this is going to go I tell you everything or you just kill me either way I don't care, just if you gone pull the trigger aim for my head I want quick death just letting you know two bullets cool. "

I lowered my gun but it didn't stop me from punching her in face I regretted afterwards cause my stitches ripped but I ignored it, the satisfaction of putting my hands on her felt too good.


Kaz P. O. V

Malachi was by my side which made this ever the more easy to do this drop  made me suspect. But honestly doing anything with her was easy, I shook my head I'm not suppose to be feeling this way.

"There they go again never sending niggas always sending bitches to do a mans job."

"Ohh funny cause we up there and you still down there nigga shut the fuck up and hand me the damn bag Cash ain't nobody got time for yo little dick problems come on." Malachi said lately she's been impatient I rarely saw her smile that seemed to always be permanent on her face she seem like a different person now, not that I was complaining. Cash looked offended which if I was him I would be too.

Nobody said nothing else as bags were thrown the shots rang out from the other side. I reacted by shooting Cash in the back of the head than shooting the nigga that was aiming for Malachi.

"YO HURRY UP AND GRAB THE BAG KAZ THIS A SET UP." She yelled I ran for the other bag that we had to Cash dead grip. I hurried running back to the car, " COME ON KAZ HURRY UP."

I keep running shooting at people as they tried to shot at me dived in the car Malachi quickly rode off adrenaline was still pumping though my vein as I heard police sirens.

"Slow down mami 12." I nearly yelled, I felt the car slow down and I slowly closed my eyes sighing in relief it was over at least I hoped it was over.

"Kazi... Kazi I was hit."

I quickly open my eyes to see Malachi bleeding from her side I groan damn I couldn't catch a break. Monti and King was not gonna be happy about this I got the car walking over to her side opening the door I picked her up gently and started running hopefully I could get to hospital on time.

"Stay with me baby I need you. We almost dere" I mumbled as 15 minutes in I saw a hospital.

King P. O. V

"Auntie can we match like how me and Momo do please, please?" I laughed as him jumped up and down excitedly. His happiness was contagious as fuck he didn't let me think about my twin Demetrius keep me going when I really didn't want too.

"Yeah alright we can match pick out what you wearing and I'll try matching your fly cool."  I  said her grinned at again before running to his room, I chuckled at how much he reminded me of Monti hyperactive ass and laid down until he came back with a outfit. I closed my eyes resting until fifthteen minutes later Demetrius came with all black pants and a purple flannel shirt.

"Alright what shoes you wearing?" I said already knowing what I was going putting on. He stood there thinking for a second then throwing he clothes on my bed and ran out my room I got up picking out something similar to his.

"TT I'm wearing my timbs... Th- the red one." Demetrius spoke outside my closet, I grinned grab my timbs that were all white then walked out with everything setting it next to his clothes.

"All I got are my white timbs but at least we somewhat matching you wearing a hat Demetri or nah?" I questioned raising as he shook his head no, "okay get ready and we'll go do something fun."

"Okay." He said grabbing his stuff and walking out I sighed grabbing my stuff and walking to the bathroom I turned on the water, took of my clothes, and got in.

Sometime later Demetrius and I got in my car, my phone been blowing up since I got out the shower and helped Demetrius get dressed. But I keep ignoring it I wanted to focus on spending to with my nephew. I swear I should just picked up the phone.
Monti P. O. V

I told Chaz everything that my so called bitch made father didn't tell her I told her about Demetrius, I told her about me stepping down for Tayanna and King because of what I was becoming and I knew I would never be the mother that Demetrius needed so I let Prince take him and be what I couldn't. I let my heart out to this girl, as she listened I felt like a heavy ass weight was lifted off my shoulder.

"I had a twin myself." I said taken a shaky breathe, I hated talking about him, my twin I hated thinking about him because it hurt to much think about him or the horrible thing that happen.

"What happened to her or him?" Chaz asked she finished stitching up her stitch that rip when she punched me in the face my jaw hurt but I wasn't going to think about that  now.

"He was cut up in front of me when we were seventeen.... Um I don't want talk about that... Tell me about yourself you know so much about me now." I quickly change subject I keep getting the images and hearing him yell for me to do something, my I felt my heart beating hard it felt like it was about to burst.


I covered my ears and felt myself about become my traumatized 17 year old self. I started rocking back in forth, felt Chaz wrap me into hug as felt tear come to my eyes.

"I'm sorry Moriah, I'm sorry Moriah, I'm sorry Moriah, I'm sorry Mo-"





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