Ch.10 Taz is Mine

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A/n I'm late but here you go shout out to
papiiqua for asking ever so nicely to update soon. Hint if y'all ask I'll do maybe.

King P. O. V

"I called the ambulance bro they on they way." Jessie spoke but I couldn't focus on that all I care about was getting my damn revenge, I felt myself about to tear up, but I wasn't going to cry in front of them.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS EVERYONE?" I yelled out frustrated hurt I was ready for war, I'm ready for blood I didn't give a fuck about nothing, no more all I saw was red.

"King everybody coming, but what if it wasn't Taz... What if it was Cash crew you know they shady as fuck mane you can't go out like this King, we can't go out like this." Malachi said making me even more pissed I wasn't worried about Cash, I knew I didn't have to worry about a crew so small, then it hit me like a ton a bricks.

"You set us up"

Monti P. O. V

"Momma Dukes likes me Monti you should keep me around." Chaz said smirking we had got done eating and while my Mom did like Chaz I didn't like cocky ass. I put Demetrius in the back and got in the car.

"First off lets get one thing straight thats really not my momma I just call her momma dukes cool? Secondly I will never by any chance like you remotely more than sexual." I said glaring at her, but she grinned at me starting the car and pulling out.

"Bullshit but I'll let it slide." She responded turning into the highway. I couldn't say nothing otherwise I'd break.

1 hour later

Chaz said she hadn't spoken to me through this whole car ride which low-key bothered me but I wasn't about to front like it did or nothing. I was just going to let the shit ride, and pretend like I wasn't bothered.

"Don't nobody got me like I got you/ride or die swear I think love you/married to the game hustling harder than I-"


Chaz answered than she focus as the person on the other in spoke, she stop the car on the side not saying anything for a second she wouldn't even look at me, she just tighten her grip on the wheel and phone than looked at me.

"We gotta drop Demetrius off." She said hang up the phone it was clear she was upset but it was trying to hide it.

"Why? I just got him back and I don't think he want to be randomly dropped off at somebody's house." I responded looking back at Demetrius I didn't want to leave him somewhere when I just got him back honestly anything topped my god son at the moment.

"I understand that Monti, but work," She looked back at a sleeping Demetrius, and then me again before sighing and sucking her teeth," King need us Veronica got shot when they were on a date, she ready to do something reckless and not in the fuck shit up kind of way, more like somebody not coming back home after what about to be done."


"What else."

I rubbed my hand through my face damn man, I was enjoying tonight for real and for it to end like this was pissing me off, I just got him back now I got drop him off again I wasn't about to let that shit happen, but this money that I was making was the only letting me do the things I could for him. I sighed not about argue.

"All right just drop him off at Gorgeous house she can watch for until we get back we get back."

Gorgeous was the fist that came to mind she never worked on weekends so I know she wouldn't mind, unless the she had somebody over. I was about to get my phone Chaz suck her teeth.

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