Ch.18 With or Without

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Enjoy also this song kinda remind me of Monti and Chaz lol

Chaz P. O. V


"21," Monti said smirking that was her third time winning, I get beside her mugging who would've known Monti was a pro at basketball like she should of been in the WNBA for real.

"Damn you good." I complimented Monti smile cockily as I pushed her and got to my spot where my clothes laid.

"I could've went pro, but certain circumstances prevented me from doing just that." Monti smile faded then she look down wiping the sweat from her from her forehead, it was like her whole mood changed.

"What happened?" Monti gave me look that told me I knew but if I was being honest I wanted her to say it out loud, she throwing the ball up in the air, then letting drop to the ground.

"I got married to this thing called the game."

Kaz P. O. V

"I swear I'm doing this shit with or without Monti she not stepping to the plate like I thought she would. It starting piss me off." King ranted as she paced back in forth in my living room I tilt my head amused she was cute when she was ranting.

"King can you sit down you starting to make me dizzy." I said getting up and grabbing her by her shoulders to stop her from pacing any longer, "just chill for a second damn."

She mugged me before pushing me off her. "Chill there is no chill I got shit to do, business to handle and Monti for a partner now so do you really think I should chill?"

"No now I just want you to shut the fuck up." I mumbled glaring at her I was content with this now King was killing my vibe completely. 

"Bitch I heard that."

"You were meant too."

I smiled then went to the kitchen to grab me some chips and soda but low and behold King followed me, I mugged her as she did the same to me. King's face soften avoid my gaze she started looking at her tattoos on her wrist.

"I miss you bro come back to the game." King said nonchalant but I already knew she cared, I open my bag of chips shrugging I wasn't planning on coming back.

"I miss you too bro but this hustling shit it's not for me and it took my cousin almost dying and Malachi dying for me to realize that shit... I wanna do betta yo I wanna prove to myself I'm better at a job then just hustling." I replied looking down I was working trying to get my life together, church wasn't my thing but I knew God was with me he may not be proud but he with me. King face grew hard then it soften like I hurt her feelings but then it grew blank her grey pierced through me daggers, it was hard looking at her.

"I've seen worse, I've felt worse, I lost my twin, my girl, my best fucking friend, and more. But do you see me quitting? I'm fighting for my sanity every minute of the day, I fight not to be greedy everyday, I fight my hunger for more money. I'm practically losing my mind trynna keep shit in order, what the fuck you do?"She snapped at me I didn't understand where this was coming from. I stayed silent not wanting to say anything wrong King cussed under her breath her face soften.

"I'm sorry Kaz I ain't mean to snap at you like th-"

"No King you right, I ain't seen shit but I know what feels like trust me. I don't want to feel it no more King."

Monti P. O. V

"Soo," I said awkwardly as Chaz and me ate food at my house it was awkward as fuck right now or maybe that just me, Chaz laughs chucking a fry at me I mug her and throw the fry back.

"Why you being so damn shy?" Chaz questioned as I picked at my burger, I shrugged my shoulders, and felt my cheek get hot why am I blushing?

"Can I ask you sum?" I bit my lip trying to keep from smiling Chaz smiled big nodding head as she ate a fry. I took one too but trying to figure out how I was say this without sounding like a bitch.

"Ask." I swallowed big damn I hope I don't regret this later on.

"I'm not ready for a relationship and I probably never be ready, but you know I was wondering if you want to be my girl?"

"Nope." She answered emotionless she did not just reject me. I got up hurt, I deserved that I bowed my head about to walk away. But she pulled me back with humor in her eyes.

"Baby after so long it's only fair I get play the game you been playing for a year let me have my fun for once." I didn't think about it like that but I nodded my head it is only fair she get do what been for so long now I know how she felt and I didn't like that shit at all.

"So we together?" I asked hopeful I don't know why I had this sudden change of heart but I love this girl and I didn't want see myself without her.

King P. O. V

What the fuck am I doing? I thought to myself as I kiss Kaz. She reached for my pants that's when I snapped out of it pushing her away I couldn't do this.

"I can't... We can't... This can't happen Kazi you know it... If we." I stopped myself trying to catch my breath. I didn't want hurt Kaz and I didn't want it to end like Veronica cause I'd be lying if I said I was feeling her at all. Kaz nodded her and threw me my shirt, she didn't say nothing as I put it on.

"Don't say shit else, don't even apologize just get the fuck out my face." She whispered giving me a look I didn't want leave, but I knew soon I have too, I got up putting my shoes.

"I'm not over Ronny, Kaz I probably will never be so me kissing you. I don't know but I can't put you through that." I lied her glare never wavered so I bowed my head feeling like a fool.

"Just remember who kissed who, when shit hit the fan." Was the last thing I heard before I slam the door, I was shaking not because it was cold, but because I was mad I just lost a friend.

I controlled myself until I got the car, were I lost grab my unlocking and calling Monti when it straight to voice I spoke.

"Just know this I'm running our fucking game with or without you and I don't give a fuck who gotta die. Just fucking know."

A/N Again I want state that this but is coming to a end 6 more chapters. No sequel not yet I'm thinking bout it. But if I do who want help me?

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