Ch.19 Run This

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Next day

Monti P. O. V

I woke up happy, damn that's a first time I ever said that happy, but that was because I laid down next to somebody I genuinely cared about in hopes that she felt the same.

"Stop staring at me weirdo." Chaz mumbled her eyes still closed, but she open them to smile at me a little, I rolled my eyes as I turn away from her about to get out the bed but wrapped her arms around me, laying her head in the nap of my neck. Which I'm not gonna lie it turned me on.

"Chazz." I whined to cover up the moan that was about to come out, I hear her chuckle kissing my nap I need to get out the bed before I forget what I to do and be wrap up in Chaz all the way.

"Good morning big head." She whispered before letting me go then licking my cheek I make a face before wiping my cheek I got up purposely taken all the cover leaving Chaz none she shiver when the cool breeze hit her.

"My head is not that big." I lamely defending myself as Chaz look like I was proving her point as she smirk I rolled my eyes dropping the covers on the floor to walk to bathroom.

I turn on the shower and waited till it got to the right temperature before jumping in; I washed up before I felt hands wrap around my waist and pulled me close.

"Stop leaving me on my own I don't like that shit."

King P. O. V

"AUNTIE, AUNTIE WAKE UP!" I heard Demetrius yelling and jumping on my bed I knew I should of locked my damn door when I got home. I groaned mugging him before he sat down grinning big.

"What cha want lil nigga?" I asked stretching before he moved closer to me kissing my cheek then l laid his head on my shoulder. He sighed contently I realized this is all he wanted so I let him get in the covers with me.

"TT can I watch tv?" He asked getting antsy I rolled my eyes grabbing the remote turn on my big screen then turn it to Disney Jr.

"You eat?" I yawned out the questioned he nodded his head then keeping his focus on tv. I nodded my head he probably got one the maids to get him something.

"Ma'am?" One of my maids came knocking on the door nervously I don't know why I wasn't that mean to any of the maids. I frowned waving her in she was old her gray hair showing and up in ponytail.

"Yes and what I tell you about that ma'am shit?" I mugged as she came to the foot on my bed and nervously started to play with her uniform.

"Ma- King I was wonder if I could take the day off tomorrow my Daughter is having her to child? I didn't want inconvin-"

"Go head." I said dully I didn't want hear it, I dismissed her before handing her some money. I look over to Demetrius to see he was sucking his thumb went back to sleep I chuckled kissing his forehead turning off the tv going back to sleep myself.
"Nigga wake yo punk ass up." I then felt someone punch me in my chest hard, I groan opening my eyes to see Monti standing with a smug look on her face I was close to shooting her, but Demetrius was in the room.

"BITCH!"  I jumped out the bed quickly but grabbed my chest and glare at her.

"It's time to get up don't look at me like that, look you don't think I'm bout my business let me show you." Monti shrugged her shoulders looking over in my bed she smiled seeing Demetrius.

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