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8 years later

King P. O. V

"You ight?"  Kaz asked me looking worried I didn't say nothing just continued to tried to focus on pain in my chest I refused to do anything else about nothing worked.

"King look at me at least please say something to me... Please?" Kaz pleaded she look hopeless which made roll my eyes and mugged her.

"Fuck is you pleading for I'm good." I snapped my chest still aching, I clutched my chest, closing my eyes I couldn't wait until this pain went away.

"I'm not pleading King I'm trynna fucking help you, I've been trying help and all you want to do is fucking avoid me like I'm not here, like I never been fucking here for the pas-"

I cut her off, with the first thing that came to my mind I kissed her and smiled when the pain from my chest went away. I pulled away glaring at Kaz who was shocked.

"Why is Monti in jail?" I asked Kaz looked away before looking at me, uneasily. She wouldn't tell me, nor Monti hell I couldn't even support her in there but Kaz and Chaz could, that made me mad.

"Monti took the fall for everyone." Kaz explained still not looking at me Monti took the fall for what me and her been doing since it was three of us. I would of never thought she take the fall for anybody.

"We got to get Monti out."

Monti P. O. V

"3245-34-6773 COME OUT YA CELL." One of the guards yelled out for me I rolled my eyes putting my book as my cell opened and got up walking out I made kissy faces at female guard, then chuckled when looked away from me uncomfortable opps. I licked my lips holding out my hands so she could put the handcuffs on my wrist.

"You seem scared ma, woman in here love the smell of fear, especially me." I spoke smirking still as every woman in they cell started hooting and hollering for me not to do it to her but when you in jail for damn near nine years boredom starts to get real.The guard as she tighten the hold on my cuffs I laugh leaning in lick my lips.

"Sh- shut the fuck up or I'll put you back in your cell in-inmate." She stammered over her words making me step closer to her glaring my nostrils flaring does she not know that I'd kill her cuffed or not?

"Bitch put me back in my cell and I'll-"

"MONTI YOU NOT SCARING OUR NEW GUARDS ARE YOU?" I closed my eyes talking a deep breath stepping back I gave innocent smile looking at the older guard Jake, his eyebrow was raised as I shook my head no, all the other women stuck in they cages laughed, knowing I was lying.  Jake squinted his eyes at me for a second  before shaking his head and looked at the woman next to me.

"Is Monti here scaring you Jenna?" Jake asked the woman I side eyed daring her to tell him that I was scaring her, so he could put me in the hole.

"N- no Jake she was not." Jenna stammered over her words oh how I hope she get this part until it time to go bed I was gone have fun with her, as in me stabbing her repeatedly type fun if he caught on to her.

"Monti come here." He said I raised my eyebrows along with hands I look down at me feet to then back back him, Jake slapped his forehead, then motioning for Jenna scary ass to unchain me.

"But sir-"

"Unlock the cuffs Jenna." Jake repeated.


"If you don't just unlock the fucking cuffs woman." Jake clench through his teeth, he glared at her she jumped, than quickly unlocked my cuff not once look up at me, I chuckle licking lips I jumped at her making her flinch before laughing I heard the laughs and hooting everyone yelling out 'NEW PUSSY IS MINE' every now and again Jenna leaning down to her level I brushed the little hair that fell to her exposing her ear.

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