Ch.15 I'm Here

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Monti P.O. V

All the flashbacks was I was having while I next to Chaz was slowly driving me fucking crazy, I was still rocking, shaking, crying. All because I thought about him. I covered my ears because still heard him screaming for me, I still heard him crying for me til all at once it stopped I felt completely at peace.

Chaz was kissing me, and damn did it feel good to not think about it the pain the everlasting emptiness I felt. Everything I felt was gone, and it turned into something I hadn't felt like this since Prince.

Chaz pulling away everything that was once gone came back, but I held in like I did when I was fourteen. Numb is always better than feeling anything at all.

"Talk about him it'll make you feel better Monti you don't got tell me the story. But tell me something about him"

I stayed quiet looking at Chaz blankly I didn't want to talk to her, now I didn't want to be close to her my urge to push her away came back full force, I bit my lip and got up I had to go. Before I fucked everything up I knew I was bound too. At the end the day Chaz was like everyone else she was going to love me then leave me.

"You no different from everybody else Chaz. You can stop pretending like you actually give a fuck." I blankly stated getting up I held my jaw for a second then pop it back in place I didn't feel anything.

"Where the fuck you getting this shit from?" Chaz questioned standing up too she looked confused, annoyed, and hurt that I was telling the truth.

"You can stop pretending-"

"I'm not pretending Monti if I didn't care I would've kilt yo ass a long ass time ago. I'm not Prince, I'm not her the sooner you fucking realize this shit the better I'm here Monti." Chaz semi-yelled out it hurt me to know that I was upsetting her but I couldn't help it," I'm here, I for some fucked up reason care about you, and this shit hurt knowing that you not for me, let your guard down for once and see that I'm here, right here. I'm too caught up with you to just let you go like you ain't shit, I mean you ain't but I care... Baby that all that should matter"

"What should matter that you care or that I'm not shit?" I questioned tilting my head to the side a small grin came on my face Chaz looking like she was about punch me.

"Are you bipolar or do you just like pissing me?"

"Both actually."

Kaz P. O. V

I was in waiting room was felt like years which was only hours I called King and everybody that was close to her but it seem like no one wanted to pick up.

"Yo King pick up the fucking phone fam like Malachi in the hospital and ain't nobody picking up the phone. I'm scared yo please call me back." I said then hung the up a doctor came he looked familiar but I didn't remember from where.

"You related to Ms. Jefferson or something?" He questioned me a blank expression his face I nodded my head quickly.

"That's my wife." I lied quickly though some part of wish it was true but fuck it I knew it wasn't going to happen. The doctor looked at me for a not believing me but spoke anyways.

"I'm sorry but she didn't make it...."

That all I heard.

King P. O. V

After I dropped Demetrius off at the house I went back out I knew the maids would take care of him. With him being sleep nobody had do nothing.

I heard my phone vibrate for like the hundredth time today so I looked at it to see Kaz had been calling and texting me. So I quickly unlocked my phone reading every message.

Kazi: yo fam we was set up Cash dead and Malachi she hurt ion think she gone make it.

8:15 pm

Kazi: She gone.

That, that's the text that got me the most Malachi was gone it was my world started crashing down more than what it already was. Dammit I couldn't keep losing people. The worst part about losing Malachi was the fact she knew things she was our detour and if I ain't have her I was fucked. Monti and I were screwed especially me because now I didn't have no one to throw off the cops, the detectives, anybody working against me trying to get me locked up.

But me going to jail wasn't the problem it was Monti getting caught at some point I knew she'd start getting reckless. I knew without my twin being here I'd have to pick of the pieces of my sisters shit, and I damn sho wasn't ready for that.
Chaz P. O. V

"We were 8." Monti said laying on my shoulder as we cuddled it felt good to say she wasn't being a dickface for once. I wrapped my arms around her feeling her tense then relax again a small smile was on her face, "my parent let Moriah and me choose where ever we wanted go we had be good those pass couple of weeks. So we got rewarded with money and somewhere we wanted to go."

"Where y'all choose?" I asked she turn around in my arm still smiling.

"Jamaica we had lots a fun just me and him my parents for the first Moriah felt like a family with my parents. But this one particular day everybody was out on the beach just chilling Moriah and me were playing in the water." Monti took deep breath I could tell that it was bothering her to just talk to me about him. So I kissed her forehead,then her lips, down to her just so she continue to talk about her brother.

She clear throat to speak about and I wipe the tear that was about to fall.

"Ion know what happened, I just remember I got caught in a strong tidal wave, I remember my parents just standing there as I'm getting pull out to shore." She got quiet for again then she smile. "Then I remember him trying his hardest to come save me. I remember waking up in the hospital and him just balling cause he thought I wasn't going to make it nobody expected me to but I did my parent and us were close then I got out of the hospital and shit we back home shit went back to normal."

I stayed silent for a second looking her and trynna figure where the happiness was, but then I remember who I'm talking too.

"How was that happy Monti?" I questioned confused she look away sighing. Than gave me a blank look before shrugging and laughing.

"I don't know cause I was with him... And it made me realize how much I didn't want lose somebody so close to me... But I ended up losing him anyways so you know how that went. Seems like I'm always losing people I care about or I'm constantly doing dumb shit cause I just know the outcome." Monti sighed looking me dead in the eyes and it was like my heart stopped like she was completely; utterly being open with me for the first time I felt this could be a start of something new and I loved it.

"What's the outcome of us?"

She didn't say anything just looked at me for smiling then got up kissing my lips. Before leaving out the door I sighed going back to what I was popping pill and getting drunk.

Ion like this chapter I don't know why but.

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