Chapter 19 - Jealousy

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We left the school and as I was about to get in my car, I got a phone call.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Well, hello, Jade. I just wanted to let you know that I've assigned people to watch over you and Tori do the method acting project." Sikowitz confirmed letting out a chuckle.
"What? Why? And who?" I asked, trying not to jump into oncoming traffic to end my misery.
"Because I know you don't bond with Tori like two peas in a pod and I really think this will be good for your grade. If  you break the method acting, you won't get a passing grade." He mumbled.
"UGH! FINE!" I yelled before hanging up and getting into my car.
I got my phone and dialed the one person who I knew would hate this project. Lord, have mercy on me, I prayed internally.
"Hey, Babe." I greeted slowly, dreading for the fight that was about to come.
"Hi, you! I was just about to call you. What's up?" She asked cheerfully, loud banging coming through as well from her background.
"W- Everything's fine, but what the fuck is happening in the background?" I asked, furrowing my brows.
"Oh, it's nothing, we're just doing some construction to fit in some more equipment to make the new game I was telling you about. So, what's up?" She pressed on.
"Well, you're not gonna like this, and I'll make it up to you, but.. My professor has given me a project to do with a classmate." I responded slowly as I started the car to drive off.
"Uh, okay? What's the project?" The banging and drilling continued in the background as we spoke.
"I need to method act till the end of the week with Tori as a couple so we can get a good grade." I answered, taking out a cigarette from my bag.
"YOU WHAT?!" The banging and drilling stopped momentarily, making me feel like I was heard by everyone there.
"Uh, yeah.. My professor even got students to watch us the week to make sure we were method acting or else I'd get a failing grade." I sighed, lighting up my cigarette.
"Jade! Say no! Jesus, fuck! This is a big no-no for me, and it makes me way too uncomfortable knowing you and your ex have to act all lovey dovey for a fucking project!" She argued. My blood felt like it was boiling because I've never endured this type of nagging even from my own mom. Granted, I was a child that did whatever the fuck I wanted, but my mom's never yelled at me about an exhausting problem that's being repeated like this.
"Dude, I know you're mad, but Julliard is big. I need to ace this and acting is one of my jobs! There may be other jobs in the future that you won't be comfortable with." I shot back before taking a stress-filled puff from my cigarette.
"You can't be serious! You won't even consider my feelings?! You can't even consider how I feel?!" She responded sounding even angrier than earlier.
"I literally called you to talk about your feelings on the situation, not be yelled at and chastised for doing my job!" I yelled back, gripping on to my steering wheel way too tight causing my knuckles to turn white.
"It's not even a job! It's a dumb project which you should've said no to the way I did when my ex came by wanting to co-create a game with me!"
My tummy churned at the possibilities that were endless that I could've been cheated on today, "Your ex came by and you didn't tell me?"
"That's why I said I was gonna call you, too. I wanted to let you know that Henry came and wanted to work on a job, but I turned him down." She clarified.
"Firstly, that was unprofessional of you and second, thanks for the late notice." I responded sarcastically.
"Whatever. You know what? Go to your not-so-fake fake girlfriend for school or whatever and since I'm so fucking unprofessional, I'll make it up with a business dinner. Asshole. We're done." She muttered before hanging up on me, causing me to chuck my phone to side angrily. I hated this feeling of having to explain myself all the time and having to endure arguments almost all the time. Wow, how did Beck handle me? Meh, well, he didn't really.
Babe almost always brought out like the worst out of me which I never knew was in me. I was fighting and not in the fun way I used to fight like. It was also the first time she broke up with me and it felt awful. I drove home in silence, as I repeated Babe's jealousy act in my head and felt the stabbing pain in my heart. Fan-fucking-tastic.
One I reached there, I tried to brush it off and parked my car safely close to the elevator. I got to the elevator and pressed the number to my floor as my phone rang in my hand.
"Hello?" I answered tiredly.
"Hey." Tori's voice came through the phone, strangely calming me down. Could I be any gayer?
"Oh, hey, what do you want, Vega?" I asked watching the floor numbers change slowly.
"I just wanted to know if you wanted to do something tonight because of the method acting thing? Cat told me she was going on a date with Sam and wanted us to join them since we were playing the couple." Tori explained quietly.
"Ugh. Fine. But I'm not taking the car because I need a few drinks, so you'll need to meet me here." I declared before unlocking my front door at my floor.
"Alright, I'll be over at 7, bye." She stated with a light chuckle before hanging up.
"Hey, I'm home." I called out.
"We're in the kitchen!" My mom responded. I locked the door behind me and walked to the kitchen, seeing Mom do the dishes and Jacob cook.
"Hey sweetie." Jacob greeted with a smile. I walked and gave him a small side hug whilst trying to get a good whiff of whatever he was cooking.
"Hey guys. Where's Ice?" I asked as he usually would he running at me by now in excitement.
"Oh, we left him at the groomer's. We will pick him up in an hour." My mom answered.
"Nice." I nodded before making dropping my bag on the table and opening the fridge to get myself a bottle of water.
"How was school?" Jacob asked.
"Fine. Sikowitz is temping for another teacher and he got me and Tori back together--"
"Oh, honey that's wonderful!" My Mom chimed in, quickly wiping her hands to give me a hug. I raised my hands in front of me to stop her before she got too close.
"What's the matter?" Jacob asked, seeing all this happen in front of him.
"I'm still with Babe. This whole thing with Tori is just for a method-acting project." I explained feeling irritated by the whole situation.
My mom's arms dropped to her side awkwardly before she went back to the dishes, "O-Oh, uhm, alright. That's alright."
"Mom, why are you so happy about Tori and I getting back together?" I questioned, getting to her side. She turned the tap off and took in a deep breath before wiping her hands dry with a rag that hug from her pants.
"Alright, I didn't know how to say this, but we think that you may have.." She shared a brief glance with Jacob before turning back to me and releasing a breath she was holding back. "..Changed, and not in a good way."
"What's that supposed to mean?!" My voice raised as I backed away from my parents.
"Honey, we've just been noticing that you've been more.. Angry. You've been more distant too." Jacob explained calmly. I couldn't believe it - the two people I trusted the most couldn't accept who I loved and who I was with. Babe wasn't all bad, she's busy with work and I understand she just needs someone like me who understands her.
"WHATEVER! YOU'RE ALL ANNOYING ANYWAY!" I yelled, knocking over the fruit basket to the floor and stomping up to my room. Once I got there, I slammed the door behind me, startling Midnight who was lounging on my bed.
I dropped my shit on the bed and flopped on there just sulking in the horrible feeling of the sudden break-up,  the guilt of feeling excited to see Tori and the shocking feelings of my parents that they hid from me.
"I hate everything." I muttered to myself before reaching out to my bag and grabbed a cigarette and the lighter that I slid into the pack.
I lit it up and let the ashes fall off the bed and unto the floor off the side. At this point, I felt like I was at my lowest mentally and emotionally. Babe made me happy and my parents couldn't see it which pissed me off and Tori couldn't be mature about shit and tell me the truth about why she did what she did to break things off. What pissed me off the most in this situation was I'd give Tori all the money I had in my pocket to still have her, but I'd also kill anyone who talked shit about Babe. I laid in the dark for another twenty minutes, finishing up about 2 cigarettes in peace in my dark room before I found the will to get up, clean my mess and go to my studio room. When in stress, make music.
I unlocked the door and turned the lights on before turning my computer on as well. As I waited for my computer to turn on, my eyes wandered around the room and eventually landed on my old phone. Well, the new-old phone. I hesitated, but picked up the phone anyway. Turning it back on, my heart beat sped up, seeing that I had multiple missed calls from James' number. Should I call him? I thought to myself, remembering what that fucker told me at the club. Whatever, I'm not gonna call this motherfucker because whatever was going on, he could deal with himself. After what he's done to me and my family, I never wanted to see him again.
I logged on to my computer and opened up the program to create a new project. Once all was set, I turned on the metronome and plugged in my MIDI keyboard. My fingers ran through the keys, barely touching them but getting a feel of what notes I was gonna press on.
One finger on one key, then another one, then another one and eventually I had created a thing. It sounded sad, but it was cool. It felt rather appropriate, to be honest. I clicked record and randomly played whatever I had created as well as sang a couple of words just to get a sense of a melody.
"Maybe you don't like..something, something, something, yeah.. but you should've told me na, na, na, na.." I sang into the microphone and continued playing on the piano, making little mistakes but creating a foundation that I can later work on. Before I could continue, my phone rang, completely ruining my focus. Groaning, I picked up my phone and slumped back on the chair.
"Jade!" Cat called out.
"W-what's up?" I sighed, letting out the steam I was keeping in.
"Well, Sam and I were driving back home and we-- DUDE!" Cat was interrupted by a rather tough blonde who was not in my "Kill" book.
"Hey Samantha." I smirked, knowing she hated that name.
"Dude! Not now! Listen, Cat and I were driving home after getting some boba teas and we saw Babe out with some dude!" Sam explained.
"Yeah, we got into a fucking fight over it. She's with some stupid ex talking about business over lunch or something. "I muttered, playing with a thread that came undone on my shirt.
"Uhuh, business? Check your messages." Sam ended the call abruptly and got me looking into our chat with Cat and saw a slightly blurry, but otherwise clear photo of Babe kissing her ex.
"What the fuck, dude?!" I yelled out, getting up from my seat. I kicked my chair aside strongly, scratching my wall and called Babe up. After a few rings, she answered the phone.
"What do you want?" She answered with a bored tone.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING RUNNING AROUND NEW YORK WITH YOUR FUCKING EX AND KISSING HIM?!" I yelled, my voice lowering as well in anger and my tears brimming up on my eyes.
"What the hell are you talking about?!" She asked taken aback.
"DON'T ACT FUCKING STUPID! I SAW A PHOTO OF YOU TURNING TO HIM AND HIM LEANING DOWN AND KISSING YOU, I FUCKING SAW IT, BARBARA!" I responded, kicking my chair in sheer anger which caused it to roll into the wall then to the other corner of the room.
"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO YELL AT ME, BITCH! I SAW THE PHOTO, CHECK YOUR FUCKING MESSAGES I'M SENDING IT TO YOU!" I fought back, sending her the photo that the girls had sent me.
Silence, she didn't say anything. The room was quiet, only my heavy breaths and my sniffling were the only things that could be heard as well as the quiet roaring of the computer running in the background.
"It isn't what it looks like--"
"Babe, we didn't kiss. I was whispering in his ear! You need to believe me, I swear." She pleaded, her voice quivering.
"I DON'T BELIEVE YOU! YOU ALWAYS DO THIS, YOU MAKE ME FEEL BAD ABOUT THINGS I DO, YOU LIE TO ME AND YOU MAKE ME THINK YOU'RE RIGHT ALL THE TIME AND THAT IT'S MY FAULT, BUT YOU'RE TO BLAME!" I yelled out before throwing my phone away randomly. The phone hit the wall, severely cracking the screen and creating a blue screen. I couldn't care less however, because my heart's been broken again and I hated everything and everyone at this point. Fucking Babe! Fucking love! Fuck everyone!

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