Chapter 1: Girl from Nowhere

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~Eva's POV~

A pair of red eyes...a shadow...just staring deep into my soul. He It was running towards me...smiling...growling...longing for the life that's left in me. And I was there. Gasping for air that's barely there. This feeling. Only thing present was darkness. This damp, heavy air surrounding me. I couldn't move. I couldn't run nor scream for my life. All I could do was stare.

Then it hit me. The soft pillow of hers.

"It's 9 o'clock! We wouldn't wanna be late for the last day. Go get dressed." Mia screamed. Surely, it's wonderful having a roommate like her, sarcasm aside.

"You better be ready after I get Nova and Bella."

I just stood by the shower while thinking about the nightmare I had. The red eyes of the creature. A demon. The hissing and screeching sounds it made.

I went out and got dressed. Soon enough, Mia entered our room with Bella and Nova.

"Blue eyeshadow and a sun kissed look...again." Nova sighed.

"What? It matches my eyes." I proudly said with a grin.

On our way to first class, Bella pulled me behind the others and whispered "So...? When are you going to tell her about your nightmares?"

"BELLA! Boundaries!"

"It's disturbing!! What does that even mean? And DON'T say it's a normal dream. You've had that since you got here, Eva."

We go to Leviathan Ground University. I was found unconscious 8 years ago at the main gate. Motherless. Fatherless. Needless to say, I was an orphan. Without a memory of my past life, I was afraid but I got the hang of it.

I met my best friend, Mia, the mind-controller. Red auburn hair, natural beauty, perfect brows, and talented. She's an inch smaller but she surely gains more attention than I do, at least when it comes to boys. I get in trouble for just being a normal person in a school filled with powerful beings. You guessed it. Leviathan is a school for gifted teens, although I'm not entirely sure why I'm here. Why? That's because I'm not special. Not like them. People like them don't really like the idea of me being here but there are others. The good ones.

On the other side of our corridor are Nova and Bellatrix. Nova could see what anyone is doing just by thinking about them. Call it stalking, but at least it's a cool power and she could spy on our enemies, demons. She could also see the future. Unfair for people like me. With no power. Bellatrix could read minds and know what I'm feeling. They both have the power of mind and so does Mia. Just thinking about why I'm here confuses the hell out of me but I'm really happy to have them as friends.

"I'm gonna tell her soon enough, ok? I'm just looking for the perfect timing" I finally said.

"First half of our last day, Math, English, Science and...History. Next half, martial arts. Eva you'll be having your session with Ms. Lilith" Mia always was the prepared one.

"Ok m o m. HAHAHAHA"

"NOVA! HAHAHAHAHAA" Bella and I giggled.

My eyes were focused outside through the whole class. I couldn't focus. All I could think of was the bright red eyes of the monster staring at me.

"Ms. Angelus, is there something outside that you would want to share?"

"No, Ms. Avalor"

"Wonderful. Now pay attention."

I tried staring at her so I could absorb everything she's saying but I couldn't. My eyes move to little details in the room. The fly flying by her, the wrinkling of her nose whenever someone asks questions about next semester, her earrings that clearly hasn't been cleaned for a millennia.

*History period*

"Demons are everywhere. Beware of those creatures everyone. Since this will be the last day, as you all know, you are allowed to go out and hangout with friends but you have to be careful. Thank you for staying this semester, everyone. Ms. Angelus, stay. Class dismissed."

Everybody left, of course, except for me.

"Ms. Lilith asked to inform you that you are required to skip martial arts today."

"But why? It's the last day, Ms. Maze. I wouldn't want to miss defense lessons"

"She said she has to discuss something about your powers."

"Alright. Thank you, Ms. Maze"

I left the room confused because I'm pretty sure there's nothing to discuss about my powers.

~Mia's POV~

"I so wanna skip martial arts today." Nova complained.

"OMG sameee." - Bella

"Come on, guys. Last days are the best. We can't miss martial arts. Beside, Mr. Ernest is cool so...Anyways, have y'all seen Eva? She's 30 minutes late."

"Don't worry. She's always late."

"You're right, Bella."

"Ms. Chris, Ms. Bridges, Ms. Saint, do we have a problem?"

"Nothing Mr. Pedro-"

"Mr. Ernest, Ms. Chris"

"Right. Sorry, Mr. Ernest."

~Eva's POV~

Hesitant to enter, Ms. Lilith's room, I stared at her door. I want to attend martial arts with my friends but here I am stuck with our principal/counselor/free therapist of the school.

"Come in, Eva."

I jumped in surprise. Her ability to read minds slip through my mind sometimes that I catches me off guard.

I entered with my mind empty.

"Eva, sit down."

I sat quietly.

"So how are things so far?"

"I mean no disrespect, miss, but I have no interest to go through our regular interview or check up or whatever this is. Let's get one thing straight, I have nothing. No powers. No parents. Nothing. Those dreams I'm having? They're probably just my conscience speaking of my inner demons. I don't know ok? Why did you want me here? I want to be with my friends."

"Ms. Eva..."

"No! I'm tired of going here everyday and seeing no changes in me. I. Have. No. Special. Ability. Nothing. I-"

"Miss Eva." She spoke with authority, immediately shutting me up.

"We found your parents..."

I froze in shock. I stared at her eyes deeply. I could tell she has some more beans to spill...

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