Chapter 4: Change of Plans

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"You want us to what?!" Adonis shouted.

"SILENCE! We shall wait for Adrien and Eva." Ms. Lilith exclaimed. "Blaze, why don't you go fetch the two?"

"Yes, ma'am." Blaze stood to go to Eva's dorm room.

~Blaze's POV~

Where are they? They can't be together, can they?

I ran everywhere including Eva's room but they were nowhere to be found. All there's left to go to was the pool area.

I went to check and to my surprise, there they were, flirting in the water.

When they got up the water, I grabbed Adrien by his arm and threw a punch on his face.

"WHAT THE HELL, MAN?!" The dickhead asked.


"Excuse me? I belong to neither of you!" And she walked out. Why does every girl have walk out?!

"WE HAVE TO GO TO THE OFFICE!" I shouted at her.

"You gotta step back, Adrien. No one's getting her."

"Good luck with that, dick." I was ready to smack his face again but he said "and don't worry, I'm not interested in her. Just tryna help."

~Eva's POV~

*at the office*

"Children, there's been a new update to the condition of the staffs you are going to rescue. The demons killed numbers of gifted teens through the years and earlier, they've murdered thousands of our powerful guardians and ancestors."

She took a brief pause.

"Your mission is to not only rescue the staffs, but, the board have decided that you are to execute all demons in the Oriel High."

The board. We've never actually seen them nor discuss about them...or maybe I wasn't just paying attention.

"What exactly is the number of demons in that school?" Kai asked. He may be a jerk but he's smart and good with numbers and calculations. Perfect in a journey like this.


"BILLIONS? You expect us to kill BILLIONS of demons with only one shot of attempt?" asked the great old Adonis.

"True. Isn't that a bit too unrealistic?" Nova added.

"It won't be just the eight of you, you'll be getting reinforcements." Ms. Lilith added that made us question more about the plan.

Before anyone of us could ask, she continued. "There's a small school for gifted teens, Asmodeus University. You'd be going there to get three other members. Eva, you're in charge of choosing the members from the students that the school have in ready for us. Choose someone that can get you places easily. Someone who can talk to people or any species for information. You need someone who can deceive people with looks. Lastly, you'll be needing someone who can bend reality, create illusion. I'm counting on you, Eva. The school will admit you to go in if you say the words "filli peculiari." After picking up those students, drive to the farthest and quiet place you could go."

"Kai, you protect your territory. With water as protection of your chosen place to stay, you wouldn't be hearing anything outside of the meeting circle so Adonis, you're the look out while astral projecting from the inside of the meeting circle. Blaze, you stay out of the circle and stay with Adonis as the look out. Adrien and Kai you're the men inside the territory. Teleport out of the meeting in case demons are spotted. Nova, look out for future enemies approaching near you. Bella, listen to the voices and feelings around you to see if anyone's watching. Eva, stay put and be alert."

"Wow, what a plan. Am I right?" Adonis chuckled, trying to get a high five from Adrien. He dodged.

Hearing the plan, I realized that everyone had their assigned, useful, task...except for me. I wasn't needed on this trip. I have to do something.

"I'm assigning each of you individual daggers that mirrors you powers. For example, Adrien, your dagger, if lost, will teleport back to its case. Kai, your dagger could turn into water so you could control it without the need to touch it. Adonis, your dagger could go through anyone without hurting them. Blaze, throw your dagger and it runs 200 mph. Nova, yours could move on its own depending on what the future in your mind says. Bella, yours could feel who's on your side or not. It will avoid allies and go to enemies. Mia, you can manipulate your dagger into doing whatever you want it to do. Eva, you'll be having this special dagger that mirrors powers too—"

"Except I have no powers." I butted in. "Sorry"

"It's not that you have no powers, Eva. You're a late bloomer. We wouldn't know when your powers will blossom and—"

"I wouldn't know how to control it."

"Yes but I was trying to say that you should still have this dagger so if the time your power does show up, it'll be mirroring your ability."

"Right...if ever that day will come."

The room was filled with the silence I planted. I felt like the center of attention and I hate it.

"Whatever happens, buy a disposable phone at any nearby store and toss it after use. You are to say "Pumpkin pies" when you are to speak to us so we'll know it's you" Pumpkin pies? Seriously? I prefer leche flan. She handed a bag with the right amount of money for gas, hotel room, and food.

"Woah are we going to some luxury hotel room or something? HAHAHAHA"

"Shut up, Don." Blaze responded.

"Alright kids, you're dismissed. Good luck for tomorrow. We're facing tomorrow with a battle."

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