Chapter 5: Face tomorrow with a Battle

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~Eva's POV~

I'm stuck. I couldn't move. He's just right there staring at me. Those bright red eyes. I felt helpless. It was all darkness and he was running towards me. Didn't want to get devoured but I couldn't do anything.

My alarm went off and I knew that this is when the battle begins.

Finished with our same routine, we wanted to grab some breakfast but I had other plans.

"I'm just gonna go by the garden. I need some time to think." I needed some time off.

"Sure." Bella answered without a smile like she usually does. Nova and Mia didn't even look at me. It pains me to see us like this but this is all my fault. I needed to distance myself.

~Adonis's POV~

"Are you sure we could pull this off?"

"Aye, coward Blaze asks." Blaze's eyes just rolled "Of course we will bro. We were chosen for this.

"I'm just gonna go by the pool to practice some more. One can't be too careful." Kai said.

"Righttt. Ok nerd."

This could be the dumbest thing I agreed on BUT I like a good challenge. Plus, the girls who I love messing with will be there. And...Bella. This would be perfect.

"Hey wait, where's Adrien?"

"Thought you'd be by the pool?"

"Just looking for Adrien. We have to be complete later before leaving."

"He's at the garden, I guess."

"Alright. Thanks, Blaze. At least we know where to find him later."

~Adrien's POV~

The smell of nature is just so satisfying. It takes my mind off things like this. Off danger. All I can think of right now is the beauty of this garden. Chrysanthemums, roses, daisies, petunias. They're beauti-


Walking in the garden gate, her eyes changed from reflecting loneliness to bliss. It was soothing to see her happy with such things overlooked. Her face, as dashing as a rose. She deserves more than the misery she's being put to in her sleep, where her nightmare crawls.

A force was pushing me to her but seeing her like this from afar was more than enough for me. She's too precious for me to touch. She's...unique.


"Adrien, hey. What are you doing here?"

"I was just having a last minute sniff of nature before facing demons" I joked.

"Right. Fighting demons huh. I bet you didn't think about that when you transferred here last year."

"Yeah...I guess I haven't thought about that. It's weird, you know? I just popped up here with such little memories of who I am."

She took a long pause as if she was thinking very carefully about what to say next.

"Yeah...that is kinda weird..."

"Hey, you know what, Ms. Devilus-"

"EXCUSE ME? I am-"

"Easy, love." I picked some flowers for milady. "Chrysanthemum. It's Sagittarius' lucky flower. Keep it."

"...Thank you." Her smile was slowly melting me. She just looked at me, with her sweet, innocent grin that gave this sensation inside me. Everything was just perfectly infatuating.

"Stop sniffing flowers, guys. It's time."

"Ladies and gents, attention. Adrien, Adonis, Blaze, and Kai, always be ready for anything and protect the powerful minds. Girls, Bella, Nova, and Mia, use your powers better and remember our lesson about using your abilities while in battle. Eva, stay out of trouble and use your martial arts training. Bring out your weapons and bow."

Each of us took our daggers from its case and bowed down.

"I give you my blessing. May you see the light on your path and may it guide you on your mission. Rise and go, my children."

"I'll drive!" Adonis demanded and we're off the road.

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