Chapter 16: The Heaven or The Grave

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~Eva's POV~

I tried screaming for her to hear my name but...her eyes. She looked at me like she never knew me all her life...I was devastated.

Bella! Tell the other to protect Mia, at all cost!

Mia???Oh my God, I knew I felt something familiar!

Yes but she doesn't look awful lot like herself. Capture her but DO NOT HARM HER OR ELSE!

Ok! I'll tell Adonis to get her on our side.

I saw her holding her arm around a rather good looking guy...but his eyes. They were bright red.

I flew all the way to Mia and met her eyes. She let go of his hand and walk towards me. "Mia, hey. It's me, Eva. Your best friend?"

She looked at me, emotionless then she laughed. It was as rattling as my nightmares. "Oh sweetie," she touched my face. It didn't feel so her like usual. "It's QUEEN Mira for you...and I have no friends." She smiled, demonically. "I have enemies."

She pushed me and I flew almost half the area. Trying to get up, I was almost in tears just thinking about my best friend's eyes. All I saw was hatred and...nothing more.

Try again. I told Don to follow you.

Bella told me, in my mind.

He should probably stay out of this, B.

I stood up and flew back. I couldn't put Don in danger too.

"Mia, listen to me, bitch. You're coming with me whether you don't like it OR you don't like it. I don't care."

"You're not the boss of me." I grew mad and my eyes brightened

"You're making a big mistake, fool." The stinkin' demon behind her said.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" He laughed. What the hell?

"No...but your parents do."

My face burned up and my wings lighted brighter.


"Eva, there's something you should know." Mentor Waze said.

"What is it?"

"Your powers have consequences."

"What sort?"

"Hurt an innocent...and your powers disappear. For good"


~Bella's POV~

Don, stand by. I think she has a plan.

He nodded.

I saw Mia's eyes brighten and her wings brought her up.

Adonis, get Mia out of the way, now! He ran to Mia's direction but she resisted and pushed him. Don duplicated himself with his astral self and tried getting Mia by force.

Kai, help Don!

He ran as fast as he could but he was too far.

I saw Eva have a face off with that one good looking demon. His demons surrounded them so they wouldn't be disturbed...Then his face.

Black horns started growing out his head. His skin turned pitch black. Nails as long as an average human head. Feet of a wolf, bigger than Helix's werewolf form. Grin that sent a rather trembling sensation on the spine.

I remember was the exact monster I saw at Eva's head. Her nightmare...

Woah...Man literally said: #BeautyAndTheBeastie

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