Chapter 8: Three Asmodians

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~Kai's POV~

"Who are you?" I asked the three ladies that saved us.

Bella, Nova, Adonis and Adrien, Blaze, especially Eva, they all seemed tense. I had to break the silence.

"We're the least the ones who are left."

"'re from Asmodeus Univer-"

"What did you do?" Eva whispered out of nowhere. Everybody looked at her with pity. "WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?!?" She was still sitting on the ground since she was pushed by the demon she was facing.

"Traitor..." she looked at Blaze with tears and anger in her eyes. She stood up and walked up to him.

"TRAITOR! YOU SON OF A-" She was pushing him, banging on his chest. Mia was gone because of him. Nova and Adrien tried stopping her. Adonis ran to Bella who was still in shock with what happened. And I...I went to speak with the Asmodians as Don and Bella we're starting the van so everybody could cool off with their anger and trauma from what just happened.

"What happened? Why...How are you the only ones left?" I asked, trying not to gaze at my friends. It hurt me to see them like this. We were together and now...she's gone.

"Our campus was attacked by demons. They took the other gifted out into their hell." The woman with the red suit paused. "They were looking for a student named Eva." I froze. Eva? Why were they looking for Eva?

"I'm Mary-Lou East. You can call me Lou." She said. She haid gorgeous straight, long black hair and a red suit.

"This is Helexandria Graham." She pointed to the woman who transformed into a dragon that scared off the demons.

"Helix. Call me Helix." She said as she hands her hand to shake mine and I touched her armor colored pitch black and silver with a hint of pickle green.

"And this is Selena Ryder Pattinson." I was stunned. Her face was clear as the sea. Her eyes shined, I was blinded. Her hooded suit colored in fawn brown and honey highlights. She was exquisite.

"Just Ryder." Her voice. With both feminine and masculine touch. It was

"You should close your mouth before a fly comes racing to it." She laughed at me. OMG!...ok get a grip. She's just some same old chick. Nothing special...I hope.

"We should head North, passing our school. The barrier went down. It's no longer protected so we'll have to run faster. We need to get to the Island. Lou, show him." Helix ordered to Lou.

A red hologram appeared on the palm of Lou. She made the red sky so that means...she could bend reality. Helix could shape shift. Cool. I wonder what Ryder's power is.

"Greetings, sweet devils." She let out an evil laugh. "We are the board of Oriel High. We got a bit bored up there so we've decided to take a little detour. Of course with our friend whom you would very much want alive...Eva. Now that we have a bunch of gifted teens from Asdemius' little school, good luck on your sweet, little mission" I couldn't wrap my head around this."Gifted ones, meet us in Crimson Island with Mary Evanette Angelus. We want her alive or else, your you won't be seeing your little friends. Ever. Again. Your presence is much appreciated!" The woman said in the hologram. That was a baddie? To my surprise, she didn't look like some hideous monster. She actually looked a lot like-

"GET OUT!" Eva yelled at Blaze. Oh boy. Here we go again.

"We better move." Helix said. "We could have me as a ride. You just have to follow us. This will be a long ride."

~Eva's POV~

"You. Sacrificed. MY. BEST FRIEND!"

"I didn't mean to...there was-" he paused. My blood started boiling more and more. I couldn't stand being in one place with him!

"We can't have a traitor in this mission. I vote we kick him out." I said, confidently. I was sure of what I said. Whether it was wrong or right, I don't care. She put Mia in danger.

"Wait, Eva." Bella said. She used her power to speak to me through her mind.

Someone's trying to block his thoughts from me


I don't know...but I'm sure that-

Someone's using him.

We paused.

We need to get him out of here. We'll all be in danger with him around. Tell Adrien to teleport him near Leviathan and inform everyone too, except Blaze. We can't let him know about what we know.

This is so unfair. Why are they doing this and...who are they?

Adrien took Blaze by his arms and teleported back, near campus. He came back in just a sec.

"We need to go." The girl in the green suit said. "I'm Helix. This is Lou and Ryder. We know where to go and we have to go now."

Everyone didn't speak a word. The Asmodians were in front of us, leading the way.

"Kai, how can you be so sure that they're to be trusted?" I overheard Nova whisper.

"They're looking for you, Eva." Everybody stopped and gazed at him, except Don who was driving.

Kai explained everything and on our way, we did see the Asmodius University, completely destroyed. The demons. They did this.

"We have no choice. We have to go there ASAP."

"Eva, tell us why they want you so bad. We could help." Kai asked, gripping on my hand.

"I-" I hesitated. "I don't know."

"The two staffs...they're your parents." He nodded while saying those words. He was right and...I couldn't lie again.

"Yes...but that's not a big deal for a whole school of evil to go get it?" They didn't breathe a word out. "This doesn't make any sense. Why would they want me?"

I felt an energy inside me. I was filled with anger, guilt, misery. Her capture kept replaying in my head. I couldn't stop it. I couldn't do anything.

It wasn't Blaze's fault. I was mine.


~Blaze's POV~

Mia ran to me to save both of us, Eva and I. I wanted to push her away but-

"Remember, Blaze. We have what you want." Someone whispered in my head. She laughed and it was too late. I pushed Mia to the demon in front of me that I was supposed to protect them both from.

Adrien teleported to the front of where I started. Leviathan Ground.

"I don't know why you did that. You're gonna pay for what you did." he said. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to tell him why I did what I did but I couldn't.

He left me alone...then she showed up.

"Child, we've been waiting for you."

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