Chapter 3: Spill the Tea, Sis

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~Mia's POV~

"Eva? How is this demon vision thing of yours related to her? If this is some kind of joke, Nov, cut it out."

I wasn't sure how to react. Nova's visions were always right. But this was out of detail.

"Tell us more."

"A demon running to get Eva. She can't move. She can't scream. I- I felt it. I-"

"It's my nightmare." Eva spoke.

"Of course it's your nightmare. It's everybody's nightmare. A red-eyed demon running to you while you're paralyzed?? Oh hell no." Adonis said with his usual not-thinking tactic.

"What? What do you mean?" I said.

"I've been having these dreams. Exactly like how Nova described it..."

And she didn't tell me...?

"She didn't wanna worry you, Mia." Bella said as she read my mind.

Right, the bitch who read minds.

"Hey, I can still hear your ass. Shut up."

Did I fail to mention that I don't care?

"Come here you bi-!"

"Stop it! IM SORRY. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want to worry you." Eva pleaded. But I couldn't think straight. "I should've told you."

"You should have." Kai butted in.

"Yeah, your bestie wouldn't be all worried and stress if it weren't for you." Adonis added.

"Hey. Stop. She didn't mean it." Blaze stood for her.

Adrien just stood by the corner, staring at Eva with her face filled with tears.

"No. It is my fault. I'm sorry..." Eva walked out of the gym with her things, not looking back.

I was left with teary eyes. I didn't know what to feel. Betrayal? Pity? Anger?

"Hey, everybody just get on with it, ok? Let's just let her be for a while." Kai said. And so we did.

~Bella's POV~

The silence between all of us was deafening. We didn't speak a word about what just happened. Nova just sat on the same chair she sat on when she was telling us what she saw in her vision. She sat there, staring at nothingness.

I want to apologize to Mia but right now didn't seem like a great idea. She's too sensitive at the moment. I feel her anger. I feel her pain. I feel everybody's fear in this room. I knew I had to leave. Now.

I walked up to Nova and kneeled to see her crying face. "I'm going to get some air. Will you be ok here? Wanna come with?"

She nodded and so I assisted her out. I saw the boys getting ready to leave too, leaving Mia behind.

~Adrien's POV~

I couldn't make sense of it. What just happened? I need to be there for her. I? I don't even know her that much. I know enough to tell she's a girl with attitude but I can see that she's a good friend. I took my things and came speeding to the exit.

"Hey, where are you going?" Adonis asked.

"Gonna get some fresh, non-contaminated air afar from y'all." I answered, not showing a hint of softness.

"Dick." I heard Blaze whisper.

"If you're gonna whisper like that, might as well use a megaphone, dumb ass." Then I teleported to the girls dorm, in front of Eva's room.

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