Chapter 9: Love Hotel

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~Ryder's POV~

We arrived at the hotel where we agreed to stay for a while, before heading to the island.

"We'll stay here for a while." I told them. "I've gotta go talk to someone, first."

I headed to trees behind the hotel and started summoning the animals to talk to.

My power is "communication" which means I could talk to anyone in any language or even talk to animals. Cool huh.

I heard someone come from behind. I swiftly took my knife and swung it to my stalker. To my surprise, water was wrapping around my arm, stopping me from hitting him. I grabbed my dagger, thinking it was a demon.

"Hey, calm down. Your savior has come." He said with his puppy grin.

"So you're wet." His eyes widened. Cute.

"Well, yes...but-"

"I meant your power. Hydrokinesis"

"Oh right." Awww. His eyes disappears when he smiles. Shit head. "So, what are you doing here?"

"Summoning demon hounds to devour you."


"I'm summoning your friends." A bunny came to me and I kneeled to speak to it.


"The Oriels went that way. We're close...and she says you smell fishy."


"Come on. They're probably waiting for us. Block the hotel with protection water, as planned."

~Nova's POV~

I can't believe what I just saw. The battle at the gas station. I saw it. We were supposed to win. I saw Eva.

*flashback to Nova's vision*

"MIA NO!" Eva screamed. The demon who attempted to take Mia screams as the blue swirls of light surrounded her stabbed through his heart, 50 times.

*end of flashback*

There was no Blaze. He wasn't supposed to be there with us.

"Nov, do you have a minute?" Eva asked. "I want to know what you saw before it all happened." She paused while tears were forming around her eyes. "I saw you have a vision. WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME? I could've done something...and now she's- she's..."

"You were supposed to save her. I saw it. The weird part is-"

"Hey, you better get some sleep." Helix told us.

We walked to our rooms. The plan is for two of us to stay up and keep watch. We all agreed that Helix and Lou will be the look out while Adrien, Ryder, Kai, and I would stay in one room and Nova, Bella, and Adonis would stay on the other room.

~Eva's POV~

I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about how I was the one going to save Mia. How? I'm powerless... Then I remembered...what was that blue light?

"Hey, go to sleep." Adrien whispered. Kai and him were sleeping on the floor while Ryder and I slept on the two double beds.

"I couldn't sleep." He got up and sat on my bed. I sat to talk to him. "You should be sleeping too."

"I couldn't. I keep thinking about..."

"...Mia. Me too. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have gone out there to fight. I knew I didn't have it in me."

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