Chapter 15: Crimson, Crimson

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They were facing us. I couldn't look. I could see every bit of hell in their eyes. "Get ready." He said. "It's about to get nasty."


*The Present time*

~Bella's POV~

"Well, bitches and dicks..." we rolled our eyes to the ANNOYING voice of Adicknis.

"Welcome to Crimson Island!" He continued. Oh God.

"Do shut up." Helix said.

"Yeah come on man, I just opened a hella huge portal for your fat ass."

"Awww thanks man." He looked at Kai. "I knew my ass was phat."

"Come on. Those assholes should be here any minute." Helix commented

We walked through the thin forest before reaching the spacious area in the middle of the island. "Great place they got here though, not gonna lie." Adonis could never just shut his mouth. "Ugh."

We hid behind the trees and waited for the son of a bitch that took Mia.

Soon enough, stinky asses showed up from their black portal.

"They do think they be fancy with them portals." Nova said with sass.

"True." Helix agreed. "What? It's true."

"I expected more on the size but ok-" Adonis commented.

"Ssshhhhhhh!" He raised his arms as if he was being held hostage. Please.

"Are yah ready, kids?"

"Aye aye, captain." They all whispered.

There were about a million demons in the area and others were still passing through the portal.

As we were walking, I felt something off. It felt something familiar. It's probably Eva, I figured. She did look a bit tensed.

~Nova's POV~

We definitely need a red carpet. I mean, look at us. Such baddies!

"I agree. I picked out the hottest, innocent looking armor from Oriel for this battle. Cute huh?"

Right...Hey, I'm just gonna take a peak on whoever's gonna win.

"Ok. Make sure it's us."

"I can't do that."

"I know, just hurry. This place is hella huge though so- I don't know. Take your time."

I tried cooling down and thought about what would happen next.

I whispered to myself like I did at the training. Guardian Zeke said that it'd help me focus on what I was seeing than the weakening of my whole body during the process.

"...Samael...B-" I stopped when I felt a wind blow on my neck.

"You didn't think we were letting you go alone did you?"

~Eva's POV~

"Mentor Waze!" The angels and gifted from Oriel flew at our backs. I'm sure it was enough for us to defeat the demons.

The black portal was getting smaller and grins form the demons' lips. I bet they won't be smiling while I kill them all.

"Get ready." Mentor Waze warned. "It's about to get nasty."

Guardian Ace raised his horn and blew. "Attack!"

We all ran to their group and the Battle of Wings and Horns began...again.

My memories of what Mentor Waze told me about my family.


"The demon, Samael, held great treason against the almighty father." He showed me a book. "Angels...vs. demons." I said.

"Then the Battle of the Winged and the Horned began." He walked around like a normal teacher would. He's a professional. "Do you know why you ended up in Leviathan?"

That got me confused. "Well, the angels were barely winning. Your grandmother took her child, your father, down on Earth when he was born. The battle continued and the angels won though, besides being at the peek of losing.

"The battle shook years and...yeah well- the thing about Heaven, they could control how the time works around here on Earth. The angels managed to slow down time on Heaven so the people won't be experiencing the changes that are made by the war. The angels won and m your grandmother went down to get her son, she realized that he's been married to a lovely woman, your mother, and even bore a child."

I was in shock. "At the age of 10, you were left there, at your campus. No one ever knew what really happened to them and why you ended up there."

"You emphasized on the there. Why?" I asked.

"Because you were supposed to end up here."


My eyes brightened and my wings flapped. I focused and summoned the enemy to come to me and I killed as many demons as possible.


"You have the Elemental Control...well, upgraded."

"Hold on, you lost me at elemental."

"You can control all elements. Water, air, fire and earth, matter. With those, you could create a phenomenon or catastrophes. That's where the lil blue strokes of light come from. They're lightning and plasma. The elements create an energy and they form wings for you. Cool huh?"

"I'm sorry, you lost me control."

"Basically, you're very powerful.


I saw my friends fighting beside me. Kai was slicing off demons in half, with water and Ryder, with her bare hand, fighting side by side.

Bella and Adonis fought back to back. How sweet.

Helix and Lou worked really coordinated as if they've planned every move. Lou was controlling what the demons saw and Helix kept turning into different animals, depends on what move she was going to make.

I asked Nova to stay with Adrien. I couldn't let him near me. It was too dangerous...I was too dangerous.

He opened and closed portals to bring them to the angels to kill. Hot girl shit.

It was barbarically beautiful. Everything was going in place. I looked at the end of the demons. I thought I was hallucinating...but then I checked again and there she was...

"...Mia." But she wasn't alone.

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