Chapter 6: Fight 'em or Lose 'em

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~Eva's POV~

Adonis was busy driving and jamming with Kai. Adrien was just looking out. I'm not sure what Blaze is doing but I'm pretty sure he's been throwing me a look from time to time. It doesn't really bother me. I have more things to think about in my mind.

Mia's sleeping on my lap. Bella and Nova are chatting about their own stuff. Everybody was just in their own world.

"On our way to Oriel, everyone."

"You mean Asmodeus, Don." Adrien shrugged.

"Shut up, boy."

"Ok CEO of Adonis gay bar."


"Hey, who'd be the CEO of our bar?" Kai asked.

"Definitely Don." Everybody laughed at what Blaze said.

"Naaahhh. I think it should be Eva."

"What? Why me, Aquaman?"

"Because Adonis should be the dancer."

"Who the hell would go to the club with him as the dancer?"

The car was full of laughter. We all agreed that I'd be the CEO, Nova would be next to my position. The others are our staffs.



"Hey, do y'all hear that?"

"You farted, Mr. club dancer?"

"No. Listen."

We heard screeches and hissing which sounded like...

"Demons. GO! GO! GO!"  Adrien yelled.

"GO TO THE NEAREST HOTEL!" Blaze shouted back.

"NO! We can't lead them to where we'll permanently stay! We have to fight them or lose them!"

"I choose fight." Adonis voted. And so we prepared for what's about to come.

"Ready your weapons. Nova, you open the door. Kai, Adrien, Blaze, you attack. Mia and Bella cover them. Don't get out the van. Just throw daggers at them. On three. One, two, three!"

Nova opened the back. 3 screeching cat-like demon hounds was running towards us. Kai threw his first move on the hound on the middle and hit its arm which slowed it down. Blaze hit the left hound and hit its leg. Adrien hit the right hound and hit it on the head causing it to die and turn to ash instantly.

The they kept hitting the two other left until the hounds died.

"They're gone." Adrien said.

"Do you think we were followed?" Bells asked. "Nova, what do you see?"

She waited.


"Great. The great fortune teller can't see anything. Hey, would I still be single next month?" Adonis asked with his usual joking tone.

"With that attitude, I bet you'd be single for another...oh I don't know, 5 years?"

"Hey, cut it out. Bella, check if we've been followed then let's go to the nearest hotel." I ordered. "Adonis, do you wanna trade places?"

"Can you drive?"

"Shut up, Don. I'll do it." Adrien told me while holding my hand. I immediately flicked him away and focused on Mia and the girls who were sleeping peacefully. I was scared to sleep so I traded places with Kai in front, next to the driver's seat.

We sat there together in front while the others are sound asleep.

"Why don't you take have a sleep? You'll need it for what comes next." his sweet, low voice tortured me. It made me desire him more. I hated it.

"Stop." I said, not having the time to think.

"Stop what?"

"What are you doing? If you're playing me, you can stop now."

"Playing you? I'm-"

"You hated me. What the hell happened?"

"I still hate you."

"Then stop."

"Stop what?"

"Stop acting like you care about me."

He stopped the car and looked deep into my eyes.

"But I do care about you..."

"Why? I'm powerless. I'm a bitch. Why would anyone care about me?"

We just stared at each other until he looked away.

"Forget it." I said.

"Maybe if you'd stop being a bitch, I would."

"If you'd stop being a sick freak, I might at least give you a chance for a date." We softly chuckled, trying not to wake everyone up. I closed my eyes and hoped for the best on the way to Asmodeus University.

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