Chapter 18: Reborn and Resurrected

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~Eva's POV~

I couldn't hear the angels' cheers. All I thought about was what he told me.

You're part angel! All angels could bring back a life of their choice. You could bring back your friend. You choose; Mia or Adonis.

I wanted to be selfish. I want her back but...I saw the eyes of other angels and gifted, I saw misery of loss.

And I saw Bella. Her face, almost torn out, her eyes filled with tears. I thought maybe...maybe this once, I would do something more than give her a picture of my nightmares.

I went over to Adonis' body. "Well, see you soon, bud."

"Eva...what are you doing?" Helix asked.

"Resurrecting. My regular Sunday."

"Ms. Angelus, how do you know if it would work? I've never seen any successful resurrections after Jesus." Mentor Waze said.

"It's cool. I can do this. I just need space."

Adrien appeared with his portal.

"Get everyone to Oriel." Mentor Ace ordered.

"Be careful, milady." He opened a big portal to Oriel as did Mentor Waze, to speed things up.

Bella looked at me. "It'll be ok." I assured her.

"Let's leave them first." Ryder said.

Everybody went through the portals to Oriel High while I was left here with Mia and Adonis' bodies.

"Hey, orbs. Wasspoppin? Haha." I sighed. "I feel like an idiot...Of course, you'd agree. I'm so sorry this happened to you." I stroke his hair, looking at his cuts. "I want you to know that...I'd love to be the CEO of your bar."

I laughed then went over to Mia, crying.

"Hey...It's me, dumb bitch." I laughed like an idiot. "Oh Mia...why did you leave me like this? Why let me choose? You know I can't leave Bella like that. You suck so bad, orbs." I kneeled to her level.

"I love you..."

~Nova's POV~

"You think she can do it?"

"Of course she can." Adrien answered.

"Who do you think will she choose?"

"I don't know...but it'll be for the greater good. Eva always has a good reason for everything."

"I'd go get some angel tears." He nodded.

On the way to the stockroom, I bumped into someone, "Oh- I'm so sorry." "It's ok. My fault."

He looked...dreamy. "I'm John. John Porter."

I shook his hand that he offered. "Nova. Nova Yours- Bridges! Nova Bridges." We just laughed. Damn, I shouldn't be laughing at situations like this. "Need a hand?"

"Sure." I answered, cheerfully.

~Ryder's POV~

"Hey...were you hurt?"

"No- uhhhh yeahh...ouch." He touched his biceps.


"Here...arghh." I started massaging his arms.

"Sit down. What do you need?"

"I think...I- I need your kiss." He pouted his mouth, reaching for my kiss.

"Kiskis mo nalang yan sa pader."


"Nothing. HAAAHHAHA"

We heard lightning and flaps. We knew exactly who it was.

"Your savior is back!" Bella ran and embraced his ass.


We awed when Adonis cupped her cheeks and their lips met.

Eva just stood there with loneliness, painted on her face, forcing a smile. "I'm gonna go back for...Mia." She whispered to me so she won't interrupt their moment.

"Eve..." She turned around by the calling of Bella. "Thank you. I know this wasn't hard for you." "I didn't want him dead, anyway. He owes me my CEO position." She smirked.

~Eva's POV~

I flew back the portal to see Mia's body...missing.

"Eva...sweet child." A lady called out to me. She looked like she was in her mid 30's.

"Uhm...hello. Uhhh who are you?" I shouldn't but I felt connected and safe with her.

"Angelus. Your grandmother." Weh?

"Oh uhm hi. I'm Eva. Oh of course you knew that. Uhhh should I call you granny? Grandmama? Mama? Mommy A?"

She chuckled. "Anything you want, dear." We stared at each other for a while then she looked at me with serious eyes.

"I heard about your friend." Hearing it was tormenting. "I think I can help you with that...but not in a way you'd want her back."


~John's POV~

"Hey, babe! They're inside."

"Oh God. We're late." Nova said.

"Slowpoke." "Shut up." She poked me with her elbows.

The music was getting louder as we entered the club.

"Welcome to The Adonis Club!" The employer said.

"OMG Heyyy!!" She hugged Bella. "Helix and Lou's on the way! They're with Ryder and Kai too!"

"Hey man! Cool crib!" I greeted Don. "Yeah! Owner things, man!" He answered

"Is Eva with you?!" Bella asked.

"No! She's probably still at home!" We could barely hear each other with this loud music.

"I'm gonna call her!"



"OK!" Our damn CEO can't even be here on time."


"And that's how we saved the day. The end."

"Milady, Bella's calling!" Adrien shouted from downstairs.

"Coming! Come on, sweetie. Mommy's late."

"Mommy, where's Mia now?"

"She's here." I booped her nose.

"But mom! There's no way you can do that. You're not cool enough." She crossed her arms and crunched her brows. I turned around to face her as my eyes shined.

"Am I?"


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