Chapter 17: Mi Pesadilla

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~Adonis' POV~

The son of a bitch attacked Eva again. I could tell he was taking it easy on her...well, not easy enough. No one should hurt her like that.

I saw Bella gesturing the angels to gather around and get ready. The demons came running to us and we attacked.

"Help me!" Adrien yelled.

Arghhh I didn't know where to go — help Bella with the others or Adrien with Eva.

Go. They need you more. We got this. She blew me a kiss and a smile.

I ran to the doggie ass jerk and grabbed him by the neck. Kai and Adrien took his arms while I took my dagger and stabbed him on the back.

~Bella's POV~

"ARGHHH!" He groaned in pain.

"HA! WHO'S THE KING NOW?" Adonis yelled and I let out a chuckle.

"Shut up, demon." I said as I stabbed the demon in front of me. I turned back to see Adonis smiling at me while Adrien and Kai were fighting off the baddie. He blew a kiss and bowed, just like how he did it back when we had the dance back at campus.

We laughed it off and then I saw someone familiar behind him...

Our smiles faded away, mostly mine, when I saw the blade stick to his heart from behind. Everything turned black and it was only him in my sight.

I heard a ringing in my ears to the point where I couldn't hear my own voice shouting his name. Ran as fast as I could, I did, but I knew it was too late.

Hang on, baby! I'm coming!

Bella... His mouth curved into a smile and his knees touched the ground.

...I love you.

"NO! NO NO NO NO! ADRIEN!" I pointed him to Adonis and he ran to his attacker but it was too late.

"I follow no king. I'm a queen." She...slit his neck and I saw the life escaping my boyfriend.

I gasped, looking for air. The Earth pulled my knees to the ground. I couldn't pin the point of this whole thing. Why is she here?

Adrien's jaw dropped..."Ms. Lilith."

~Adrien's POV~

"Oh, dear Adrien. You children are just do I put this hmmmm..." pointing the tip of the knife to her chin, still with Adonis' blood. "vapid...or would you prefer foolish? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

"No. Did they get to you too? Like they did with- with Mi-"

"Mia is a try-hard, stupid bitch. She didn't deserve to be queen, I did."

Not caring about demons and the war around me, I stood there in shock.

"Don't you get it, Adrien? Lilith...? Garden of Eden...? Ring any bells?"

Of course...

"Leviathan...Sea monster? Asmodeus...Prince of Demons. And of course, adorably disgusting Oriel High...Devine angel of hope and destiny. That school was supposed to be MY ARMY but you, stupid shits...YOU HAD ONE JOB! KILL ANGELS!" She postured and fixed herself.

"The plan all along was to activate Eva's powers. We couldn't kill her. She was protected until she had her We set her off to a mission and take Mia, her lil stupid, bestie and get Eva to kill her. See? You didn't even know that and well, I'd have no use for an imbecile. Oh should probably look after your friend."

A wicked smile appeared on her face as she pointed her dagger to Bella who was still on the ground, in shock, looking at Adonis.

Her beautiful lips were open wide as a familiar face behind her slit her face from cheek to cheek, across her mouth.

He mouthed "I'm sorry." Blaze...traitor! "I couldn't let my mother down!" He said.

"Nova! Take care of Bella!" I had to put down Samael. Kai and Ryder started attacking Lilith while I helped Eva defeat Samael.

We attacked his every part but none of it seemed to work with our daggers. He was a great dodger. Coward.

"We don't you try fighting huh? Are you afraid of losing? Like always?" I smirked.

"Eva, get out of here! You'll get hurt!"

"I DON'T care! I'm doing this for Mia."

"Arghh!" We kept attacking him but nothing seemed to be working so I had an idea.

I opened a portal to nowhere, although now, it seems like a great mistake.

He touched my portal and it was gone.

"HAHA FOOL!" He pointed on the ground below me, a portal opened and I fell to the top of a mountain, with nowhere to go.

~Eva's POV~

"NO! ARGHH!" I tried going after him but the portal changed. It grew darker, then I ended up in a black forest. There was nothing in sight and my muscles froze. I was paralyzed from the long fall from the portal. Humid air wrapped me, pinned me to my knees. I gasped and the heavy air filled my lungs. My ears were ringing, adjusting from the noise of the battle. It was deafening. Torturing. I thought, is this the end of my nightmares?

A light shined from afar and first came the foot to the head of the demon. The portal didn't close and he slowly walked towards me.

"Oh my...God." I cried. "Please...give me my powers back." I thought of my friends. The angels fighting the enemies. Adrien, Kai, Helix, Lou, Ryder, Nova, Bella, Adonis, and...Mia. The image of her last breath haunted me — I didn't want any of my friends to experience what she did. I shouldn't lose anyone else. I couldn't...and I won't.

As the demon came running to me, I saw a hint of light on top of the shadow of the trees. Hundreds of thousand light rays went through my skin and soon enough, I felt the heat that I've felt before.

I looked at him and smiled. "All hail! The bitch is back."

I spread my wings and flapped them together til the tips were together, in front of him.

"No no! Wait! You're part angel! All angels could bring back a life of their choice. You could bring back your friend. You choose; Mia or Adonis." His face drew a nervous grin.

I froze. For a second, I thought of bringing Mia back but...I couldn't choose between my friends.

"You'd wish it was you."

"No no no! Please! Spare me! Don't you wanna know what happened to your parents?!"

I stopped for a second and thought about it. "I won't be needing you for that information."

I saw the fear in his eyes and he ran for his life then a stroke of lightning came out of my wings, leaving a hole on his chest.

"That's for my friends." I muttered.

I flew into the portal and up the sky to show that we've won, and say our goodbyes. He tried to close the portal but he was too late. It cut his body in half as it closed when I was midair.

"Devil is no more, SO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!"

I used air to lift all remaining demons and threw them back to their portal. "Bye, bye demon."

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