Chapter 2: Honesty is the Best Policy

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~Mia's POV~

"There's Eva!" I said looking at Eva's direction.

"We'll get your lunch." Bella and Nova stood to get lunch for all of us.

"Where have you been, Ms. Angelus?!?!"

"Ms. Lilith wanted me to skip class for something."

"Oh...what for?"

She stood there quiet for a while which made me worry more.

~Eva's POV~


"Demons took them. They're in danger, Eva."

It kept playing in my mind. How should I feel about that? I can't say...

"This summer, we're giving you the opportunity to go and rescue them. This is what you were born to do." Ms. Lilith said confidently. I heard the trust and fate she had for me but...I wish I had that trust and fate on myself.

"But miss, I don't have the power to fight demons. I don't have any special ability. I'm different."

"You are! You're more than what you think"

What? What does that mean...?


"Eva? What did Ms. Lilith say?" I forgot all about Mia.

We were all together in the cafeteria. I don't want to ruin this moment for us.

"Hey, Eva!" Bella and Nova sat at our table.

"Blaze alert..." Nova teased.


He looks more hideous than before. His attitude couldn't be any better, I bet.

"Hello." Well, this is awkward.

"O...K...Let's eat." Mia interrupted our uncomfortable moment.

Blaze is an...old friend.

"Oh, how cute! The powerless girl is here."

"Shut up, Hannah."

"Or what, Nova? You gonna look into my future or something? HAHAHAHAHA"

Nova was ready to throw hands at this bitch but Bella stopped her before they could make a scene.

"You don't belong here. You know that right?"

"Come on, Hannah. It's not worth it."

"So making out with a whore is worth it? Shut up or I'll shove you to your nasty salad." I was shocked by the words that came flying out my mouth but none of it was regretted. As a lie detector, she knew I wasn't lying.

Everybody gasped and some laughed. Thankfully, we had our quiet time without the jerks.


"Hey, let's go to this awesome mall! I heard there's a sale in H&M." Nova was always the fashionista in the group.

"That's a great idea!" Bella and Mia agreed but I couldn't.

"I think I'll stay here. Didn't get enough sleep"

"You sure?" Mia asked with concern.

"Yeah, mom. Don't worry HAHAHHAA"

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