Chapter 10: Blind and Tied

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~Mia's POV~

What's this? I thought. Where am I? I tried moving but I couldn't.

"Stop trying. You can't do anything about it." I heard from a low, shivering voice of a man.

"Why did you bring me here? What do you want?!" The stench and lack of air suffocated me. I stopped myself from throwing up. Thankfully, I did.

"Maybe if you take my blindfold and ties off, you won't be so brave anymore to laugh" I held back my tears, trying to show courage in the midst of defeat. I felt bad for Eva. She must be feeling alone right now. I have to get out of here.

"Oh, love. If only you knew who you're talking to." He let out bursting with laughter.

"Do you know why you're here?" He chuckled. "Well, I want to have you as a partner...temporarily, at least."

"What in the hell got in your stupid little mind that made you think I want to run beside YOU?"

"That's exactly what got in my mind, darling. Hell." His laughter sent shivers all over my body. I knew I was talking to the devil. At least that's how it felt like.

"Don't worry, mi amor. You'll soon accept my invitation. "


"Oh well...we'll see about that."

I felt something hard hit my head and I lost consciousness.

I woke up in a dark room with my blindfold off. I wasn't alone. A man was laying beside me. I tried waking him up but he won't move.

"Help! Help! Sir!! Mister!" I cried. Trying to wake the man up. Soon enough, he did.

"Oh thank God! Are you alright?"

He nodded and touched the back of his head as if he was hit just like I did.

"Where are we?!"

He looked at me for a moment before forming the word in his mouth. "Hell."

~Helix's POV~

"Alright babies, stop drooling and get up."

"It's like 3 in the morning." The man who looked like a club dancer, answered.

"We've been here too long. We need to move. They could find us any minute."

"Yes. Plus, we need to figure out why they need Eva. Do you guys have any idea?" my girlfriend, Lou, said calmly.

"...No." Kai said.

"I think I might know." Ms. Nova Bridges butted.

"Nova..." Ms. Angelus looked at her as if she didn't want her to say it. "I think they want to get me for my powers." Whispers flew in our room.

"I thought you didn't have powers?" I sincerely asked.

"I don't. I mean...I'm not sure" She looked down her lap and looks up right about the second. "But what else would they want from me? Demons only want power and authority."

"It seems like...its either they kill you or be in their team." Lou said with fear.

"Why would they want someone powerless on their side?" Kai asked. "No offense, Eve."

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