Chapter 13: Oriel High

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~Adonis' POV~

I looked at her quiet face laying on my shoulder. I've never been this scared for someone else, although, Bella is special to me in the first place.

"Mmmm..." she hummed as she was trying to open her beautiful, narrow eyes.

"...hey." I tried smiling to make her feel better. She tried moving up and failed as she moved her head back my on my shoulder. "Shhh" I shushed, patting her head back.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you got bit. I should've been-"

"It's ok. It's not your fault."

"...Does it hurt?"

"Of course it does, idiot."

Ok? why mad, bruhv? I thought, completely forgetting that she reads minds.

"I'm not mad. It's just- obviously it hurts and you have the right amount of stupidity to ask if it hurts."

I scoffed. "Shut up, Madam Auring."

"Shut up, belly dancer."

I grabbed her chin to make her face me and kissed her soft lips.

Maybe this isn't actually as bad as it seems.

~Eva's POV~

Tress were passing by as our vehicle moved to our destination. Still clueless of where we are, I tried straightening my posture and felt an immense pain on my arm and my stomach.

"Careful." She held my elbow to support me. I turned to see that it was Lou.

"Where are we?"

"We're almost there." I looked at her, confused.  "Crimson Island."

I nodded in response. "W-where's Adrien?"

"He's at the back. You should probably stay here first. He's sleeping." I agreed.

Next to her was Adonis who was taking care of Bella. I felt awful seeing her like this. How did we come from being just normal besties in a this.

The car stopped. I brought my weight up, thinking that we were already at where were supposed to be.

"Uhhh...GUYS????" Nova yelled.

We looked out and saw 3 big birds in front of our van. "Are those birds???" I asked.

"No." Lou thought for a sec and said "Those are angels."

~Ryder's POV~

I got off Helix and she turned back to her human form. I slowly walked to the van to take cover so the angel won't see me.

The angel looked straight at me and said "I'm an angel, not a bear."

"...Fuck." I murmured. "UHHHHH...I WAS JUST GONNA...UHMM..." the others were getting of the van except Kai and Adrien.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want you to come with me, all of you."

"But we have other places to be in right now."

"Eight students can't defeat a billion demons."

We all stood there with our jaws down.

"If you wanna win, follow me."

"Or you could just know?" Nova said. We all looked at her.

"What? Just saying." She said and went back to the drivers' seat.

Everyone walked back inside except Helix and I then a big, blue portal opened up in front of us, eating up the angel and us, as we followed.

~Kai's POV~

I looked out the window and saw our car go through a big ass blue portal to a white place.
"Am I dead?"

"Are you sure you're going to Heaven if you die?" Adonis asked.

"Of cou-"

"No." Rude.

Holy shit. We got out as soon as the van stopped, except Adrien. He received way too many stabs. He shouldn't force himself.

In front of us stood a big palace. It was beautiful.

"Are you sure this isn't Heaven?" I asked the tour guide/angel. Whatever.

"Sort of."

"WELCOME TO ORIEL HIGH!" The lady in front greeted.

"ORIEL?!??" We all shouted.

"We have to get out of here!" Nova screamed. The angel tried going to us and we all grabbed our daggers.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Who told you Oriel was bad???"

"Our school." Adonis answered him. "Well...they didn't exactly say that. I mean uhhh...they just said that...this was a school of demons and- yeah."

"Sooooo...y'all aren't the baddies?"


"He hesitated. GRAB YOUR DRAGGERS!" Helix ordered.

"HEY HEY HEY! We're not the bad guys ok?" Just- let me explain." We calmed down and listened to her explain.

"Oriel High is a school for gifted teens and half angels." and blah blah blah she went on.

"So if they're not the baddies...who took your parents?" Bella looked at Eva, confused.

"I don't know..." Eva answered.

"That's we don't really know who we're up against at Crimson." Lou said.

"Seems like it." bbg Selena answered.

"So how are we supposed to beat them?"

"Us." The angel replied.

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