Chapter 12: Queen of Hell

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~Lou's POV~

"Eva..." I stroked her hair while she was lying peacefully on the seat. She grunted more as she gained consciousness. "You should rest more. You'll tenedor it for the battle."

"...Where's Adrien?" Eva grunted as she was trying to get up.

"He's recovering. We gave him a fairy's tear. It's supposed to make him heal faster. Don't worry, he's safe now. Go to sleep."

Nova was driving our van. Kai was taking care of Adrien while he was recovering at the back. Adonis was taking care of Bella. Helix, shape-shifted as a horse to serve as Ryder's ride to give more space to the injured.

I thought to myself, so that's why they wanted her.

They don't want her dead. They want her.

~Mia's POV~

Weeks. I've been stuck here for weeks!

"Hey, it's ok. We'll get out soon." Sam assured.

"Right. You read minds." I let out a little laugh.

"You should smile more." He smirked.

"Yeah well, you can't really smile more when you're being tortured in hell. Literally."

"Yeah...So where's your family."

"I'm not sure. For now, I just wanna be with my friends."

"Well, queen, I'm sure you'd be with them ASAP." We paused. I felt a bit uncomfortable with the tightness of the rope around my wrist and feet.

He reached to adjust it and our eyes met. He cleared his throat and broke our stares. "My family died on a fire. Hellish fire." He stopped and looked around as if he was checking if someone had ears on us. "They wanted to take my sister and I so...they killed my mom." I felt pity on him. Not that I remember my family, but I know I have one. Him on the other hand, he was just like her. Eva. He started crying. "Sometimes, I just want to forget everything. If only someone could tell me to forget everything with magic or something" he scuffed.

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry. That's not your doing." He smiled. I leaned closer and our lips met. His were so warm, almost burning my skin, but it didn't matter. I liked it. He lifted his tied up wrist and touched my cheek lightly. "Wait." I said. I removed his ties quickly while he left mine intact. He attacked and worked deeper on our kiss. He then pushed me softly to the ground and put my tied hands over my head, pinning me at the bottom. He lifted my shirt and his touched burned my skin. He explored inside me without breaking the kiss. I let out a little moan and he stopped immediately as soon as he realized what he was doing. "I'm sorry." He scratched his head and looked down, biting his lower lip.

I put my palms on his face and gave him his wish. "Forget about what happened to your family. Be happy." I commanded him to forget what happened to his parents and kissed him. I let go with my eyes still closed and my forehead on his. A low, rattling voice whispered "Foolish girl." It made me jump and scared...No. I looked at Sam with fear. The man facing me was Sam but had a voice of the man who I was talking to while blindfolded.

Holy crap. I made out with the devil.

He pinched my chin softly and lifted my face and leaned in. "I could smell your stench." And I spitted on his face.

He laughed it off and said "You should probably pay more RESPECT to your king, my queen."

Queen?...He wants me as his queen...SHIT!

"How sure are you that I'm gonna accept you as my husband?"

"I don't have to reassure. I KNOW that you'll accept me..."

" that I have your power."

Reflector. Of course! He wanted me to use my power on him so he could take it...and now...oh no.

"I command you to forget..."


"...all your memory of all your friends and be mine. From now on, you're Queen Mira."

I blinked and all I feel is my desire to follow everything my king wanted.

"What do you feel about killing some gifted teens, queen? In return, I'd be giving you something of mine."

"I'd be honored."

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