Chapter 14: Guardians

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~Adrien's POV~

My eyes opened and silence embraced me. That was the moment I realized that I was in a perfectly white room, alone. I panicked and stood up but immediately fell.


"Eva. Oh my gosh. I thought you were- where are we?"

"Oriel High."

"What?! Where are your-"

"They're not here. There's something you should know."

"I'm listening."

"Oriel High is a school for gifted teens and half angels, not demons which means...our school got the wrong message...? I guess."

"No, something's not right. They wouldn't send us here with false information."

Bella entered the room. "We're waiting."

"Come on. There's something they want to show us." Eva helped me on a wheelchair and went out.

~Eva's POV~

The angel that brought us here talked to us. "I'm pretty sure that you aren't aware about this but you suck."

"I'm sorry, what?" Adonis asked.

" controlling your powers."

"Naaaahhhh naaahh, dude. We've been trained for years."

"You really think martial arts is supposed to help you enhance and control your powers?"

We stood there in silence.

"Adrien, what's your ability?"


"Ok well, did you know that you can make bigger portals for a bigger group of people to teleport?"



"Mine's astral projection. Sick huh?"

"You can control your 'astral self' while you're not in a meditating position."

"Woah. So it'd be like duplication?"

"Yes. Now Kai, not only can you control water, you can CREATE water on midair."

Kai's jaw dropped.

"Nova, you can increase the number of people you can see while imaging." He paused. "You can see your friend, Mia, even from a great distance."

"Nova? You've been trying to reach Mia?" I asked.

"Bella too." She said. "We couldn't just give up on her."

I hugged them both.

"Bella, you can control your empathy. Remember how you can feel someone's pain? You could block negative energy and turn it to a positive energy so it won't affect you during battle."

"Lou, you think you can only change what people see. Well, no. You could also change what they feel. For example, show them a picture of a beach and they'll feel the warmth and smell of the beach. Gets?"

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