Chapter 7: Lost

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~Adrien's POV~

3 more kilometers left. I hope we won't run into some demons...

She looks so peaceful while sleeping. Sun rays touched her face and her perfect bare face shined. Her nose wrinkled as sunlight touch her beautiful purple-blue gradient eyes.

"Hey. You need to get some sleep too." Eva said with her soft morning voice.

"I'm ok." I'm not. I'm hella sleepy af.

"No you're not. I'm gonna wake the others up. You should rest at the back." She murmured as she was looking at the map to see the distance from our location so the school. "There's only a mile left. We should stop by that gas station to get some food and bathroom break and whatever." She let out a small grin.

"Wake up, idiots!" She shouted. I laughed at her way of waking up the three idiots at the back. "Wake up, bitches!" Gosh, this woman HAHAHAHA.

"Rooster yarn?!??" Kai asked her.

"Oh shut up! We're getting some food and goods at the nearby gas station. After that, take Adrien's place, Blaze." Everybody was excited to get out of a the van. They were getting ready to get out, fixing their faces and hairs, getting their stuff.

"Damn girl, CEO Evanette speaking!" Adonis laughed.

"Ok club dancer."

"The only song he dances to is sayaw kikay. Don't get your hopes up, sis." Bella added that made Don's face turn into a tomato.

"Oh come on guys, I can dance to-"

"Bakit Papa" Adrien laughingly said that made everyone burst.

"Oh screw you!"

"Hey there's the station." Kai butted.

Everybody got out the van as soon as it stopped. We all freshened up while taking turns looking after the van and some demons. "Adrien and Blaze, you're the look out. Adonis and Bella, you'll buy some food and stuff. The rest will freshen up and replace Adrien and Blaze afterwards."

~Eva's POV~

We just finished refreshing almost at the same time as Don and Bella in the store.

"Mia, Nova, Bella..." I said subtly. They looked at me with hesitance. "I'm sorry. I just didn't want to-"

"We know. It's ok. We forgive your dumb ass." Nova said.

"Remember? Besties to Heaven or grave." She let out a sweet smile."

We all chuckled like a bunch of high school mean girls from High School Musical. "Come on. Your Adrien's waiting for you."

"Are you kidding me? Adrien? No way! I hate his guts."

"Right..." said Mia. We looked over our ride and with shock, we froze. 3 demon hounds and 5 ones with about the size of a large human being behind the boys. Something like The Rock but bigger.

We shouted "Look out!" to warn them. Everybody looked at the direction we were looking and saw those demons—except for people who doesn't have super abilities. Their kind couldn't see demons. We each took our daggers except for myself. I left mine at the van because I thought I wouldn't be needing it for now. I ran to the van as fast as I could and attempted to take my dagger.

"EVA, BE CAREFUL!" Mia warned.

"Cover me!"

The ground was almost shaking with the intense movements of the fight. I went out with my dagger, attempting to join my friends into defeating the monsters outside.

Mia was stabbing the demon hound on its limbs to weaken it and was using her power to manipulate the dagger into going back to her whenever she throws it.

Nova did the same as did Bella with the two other hounds.

The boys had each human sized demon to fight. And one was going towards me.


I ran towards the monster who let out a despicable grin, ignoring the question Mia spitted. My knees weakened at the sight of his bright red eyes just about the same as the eyes of the demon in my nightmare but I knew I had to fight.

I took a good grip on my dagger and ran faster. I couldn't stop. I wouldn't. Mia tried stopping me but the hound in front of her kept stopping her. I met the demon and I made an immediate move, stabbing it at its limbs, just like the girls did. But it was too strong and I'm too weak.

"GO TO HER!" Bella shouted at Mia and so she did. The demon hound died with a throw of Bella's dagger. Mia ran towards me and so did Blaze. Adrien looked at me with fear. He wanted to go to me but he couldn't. He couldn't leave Don and Kai alone with 4 monsters. And I understood.

Blaze ran in front of me, attempting to protect me of what's about to come for me. He tried stabbing it through its heart and head but none of it worked.

"It's protected!" Blaze shouted. That's right. Demons torture witches into protecting them during battles. But we're just kids. They could easily defeat us with one blow. What's stopping them?

I got distracted by that thought, giving the demon a chance to swing me off him as so he did to Blaze and Mia. He ran to me as if I was what he've always wanted...Why me?

Blaze stood in front of him but something stopped him. He didn't move a bit. Mia ran to save him but the whole thing escalated so differently.

Blaze took Mia by the arm. I saw her eyes widen as she screamed after Blaze pushed her to the monster she was trying to protect me from.

A black portal swallowed the demon whole with Mia on its shoulders.

I grew furious. I felt an energy inside me I've never felt before. I started seeing blue swirls of light surrounding me. I was going to burst but something stopped me.

A dragon like shadow appeared on top of us, it gave the demons a slight shock. The sky turned red. Demon hounds died by an unknown shadow. The blue shade of the afternoon was back in a matter of seconds. The dragon turned into a masculine form.

A hooded person with a bod like no other appeared, looking like the shadow that defeated the hounds. They walked together with their empty, heroic faces.

Our heads were empty. My throat dried. I was lost. Baffled.

Blaze just stood there...and Mia was gone.

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