Chapter 11: Minima Bellum

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~ Eva's POV~

"I want to help."

"Stop it!" Adonis pointed. "You wouldn't want on of us captured by the almighty pussy cat hounds and The Rock sized club dancers."

The sight of Mia being held captured, disturbed me. He was right. I don't want anything to happen to anyone anymore, especially because of me.

"Attack!" Helix yelled.

I felt a mix of emotions when that word came out of Helix. Excitement. Bliss. Fear. Fear of losing someone again.

Everything was going well, according to plan. Lou stayed in the hotel trying to cover the battle with her illusion to help the locals get evacuate from the hotel without freaking out. If only I could help, I would.

There were about 13 demons out in the parking lot. 3 Gigantic ones, bigger than those who took Mia, 4 of those who took her, and 6 hounds.

Kai started drowning the demons with water while stabbing them on the neck. Ryder, for someone with mind-power, she was incredibly swift while fighting off a giant in front of her. I could tell she was no amateur with the dagger and katana.

Bella and Nova were covering us from the demonic blood hounds while Helix was effortlessly battling beside Ryder and Kai against those enormous monsters. As for Adrien, he fought two of the human-like demons with his teleportation and his dagger.

I felt useless at moments like this. I was running to the van while my friends are out there risking lives, then...we saw Bella with the teeth of a blood hound around her.

"BELLA!" Adonis screamed attracting the attention of those hideous monsters.

He didn't think twice and came to Bella's rescue. "Eve, run!" I turned around and found myself looking at hound. It wasn't there before...and beside it was the same face that took my best friend away from me, Mia.

I took my dagger from the strap around my thigh. I attacked it by its neck then it left something deeper than a scratch, on my arm. It felt awful. I felt the warmth of my own blood dripping down my arm. The human-looking demon took the opportunity and stabbed, almost hitting my gut.

My sight was turning black but I knew I couldn't stop. "Eva!" I hated hearing Adrien's voice, worried about me. There was nothing left for me to do than attack, so I did. I stabbed the hound and the asshole on the head but they just keep getting up. It's protected with magic, I figured.

Adrien came running to me while my friends tried to finish off the others while I?...I couldn't fight anymore. I then felt my body hit the ground then I saw it. My face went hot, the energy in me started to build. The sight of Adrien being stabbed...I couldn't watch.

I put my hands on the ground to push my weight, bent my knees to lift my body, and pushed Adrien away from the demon. I put his body on the ground while he was barely gasping for air. Helix took him in her arms, leaving behind the giant she defeated, who was now slowly turning into ashes. Kai protected me with pure water, but I didn't need it anymore. I stood up with my friends behind me and slid away Kai's protection.

Facing the evil that took Mia away from me and 5 more demons would usually bring me fear. But this was different. I felt my blood boiling, literally, eyes could only focus on its face. It's grin. He took Mia. He hurt Adrien. It's my turn.

There, I saw the blue strokes of light again.

~Adrien's POV~

I couldn't believe what my eyes were witnessing. Eva floated in the air as the energy she was building, lifted her up. The sky turned dark and the ground shook. The water that Kai was controlling was absorbed in the blue streaks of light surrounding her. Thunder formed and stroke the demons gone, except one, Mia's demonic kidnapper. The light surrounding her turned to wings with hints of fire. We all just stood behind her in shock as her wings flapped, tearing the demons' flesh slowly until it meets its death.

She stood there with her lightning, bright eyes and said "This is just the beginning." before every bit of magic disappeared as she drops to the ground beside me and all I see was black.

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