Chapter 2 - Daniel's Brother

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"Make him care for you, otherwise my whole plan will go to shit."

I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone, stuffing it into the backpack beside me.

Is it bad that I think about killing my father every day?

The answer would probably be yes in normal circumstances. However, my situation was anything but normal.

My preferred method of execution would be to strangle him with my bare hands...too far? Maybe, not that it mattered anyway. I couldn't murder Nathaniel King, because that meant all of his responsibilities would fall onto me.

Since he was the boss, if he died, I would inherit the business. Something I wasn't mentally or physically prepared for in any way. Being a leader was never important to me, it was more trouble than it was worth.

Also grabbing a pair of scissors from the backpack, I hopped out of the front seat and opened the hood of the car.

Considering that I didn't know a damn thing about cars, this could have ended with the whole thing blowing up in my face, but I took my chances.

I cut a couple of wires, not sure what their purpose was or if it would even affect anything, and returned to my bag, placing the scissors back inside and closing the hood.

It was raining hard, my hair was wet, my clothes were wet, and my shoes were filled with water. Not exactly how I expected my night to go, but nonetheless, I sucked it up and began to walk.

So, for the next fifteen minutes, I made my way down the dark empty street, continuing to be soaked by this weather. Only when I got to the front of the hotel was when I remembered my fucking backpack, which I forgot in the car.

The building was tall, probably about eighteen or twenty floors. It was very modern, to the point where I wondered how old it was, or if it was newly renovated. At the top, there was a sign in bright white lights that read 'Hotel Torres'.

I opened the large double doors, entering the lobby. I was greeted by a big open space, with a marble floor and a gold and white interior design.

I followed the golden carpet to the front desk, met by a miserable-looking woman. It said Rachel on the name tag.

She looked small, sitting there. She had long, straight dirty blond hair. Ocean blue eyes, pale skin, small nose, and somewhat bushy eyebrows.

Rachel was attractive, in a cute kind of way. The only thing that turned me off was her facial expression. I couldn't tell if she was mad or just focused.

"You're supposed to enter through the back..." she trailed, not even sparing a glance as she typed on her computer.

Flattening my palms on the top of the counter, I leaned over, attempting to see what she was doing, and why it was so important that she couldn't even look at me. "I just need a room."

Rachel finally lifted her head, eyes widening at the sight of me. "You don't look very...well, you know."

"I don't know, actually." I countered, trying to sound as confused as possible.

Her eyes went even wider, and I almost asked her if she was alright, as her already pale skin seemed to turn completely white.

"So you really just want a stay here...that's it?"

"Why else would I be here? My car broke down, this was the closest place I could find." My explanation seemed to puzzle Rachel, to the point where she insisted she call her boss.

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