Chapter 5 - Sweet Boy

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Flopping onto the leather couch in my living room, I cracked open a beer. Also, turning on the TV, I rested my feet on the coffee table. Relaxing from the long day of going over paperwork and signing shit I would probably never think about again.

A knock came at the door, and I let out a sigh before yelling for them to come in. Alexander approached me with his hands behind his back and a wicked smile on his face.

"Tengo una sorpresa." He said, standing before me, blocking my vision of the football game on the tv.

(I have a surprise)

"¿Cuál es la sorpresa?" I asked, curious about what he had for me this time.

(What's the surprise)

He then revealed the sixteen-inch bong he was hiding and sat down on the couch next to me. "It's been so long since we did this."

Quiet laughter came from both of us as I watched him grind some of the weed he had. "It has indeed."

Since Alexander was a year older, after he graduated, he would come to the school and pick me up every day. We would often go smoke with some of his other friends, it was quite the adventure.

But when things got more serious with work, we never had time anymore. So, it had been a while, but I still managed to enjoy myself.

We spent the next 30 minutes smoking and talking. I began coughing at one point, and Alex couldn't contain his laughter. It was funny, although my throat was on fire and time seemed to pass by at an unbearable speed.

"I have another surprise idea..." Alex trailed, leaning back into the couch for comfort. "Well, it's more like a suggestion."

"Should I be scared?" I asked, running a hand through my hair. "Last time I listened to one of your suggestions, we almost got arrested."

Alex scoffed and gave me a playful slap on my shoulder. "That was because your an idiota, and your slow as fuck."


Back in high school, I was what one would call a 'nerd'. Quiet, glasses, got good grades...the typical stereotype.

One day, the captain of the football team asked me to write a paper for him. When I refused, he called me names and gave me a black eye. He broke my glasses, and Alexander was pissed.

He suggested that we get him back. Alex and I caught him walking home, fucked him up, and of course, he called the cops like the pussy that he was.

The police showed up at my door the next day and I swear to god, I had never run so fast in my life. Because I was slower than Alex, he had always joked about it. But that never bothered me, the whole situation was hilarious.

"Anyways...what's your suggestion, Alex Villa?"

"I think you should hook up with Kaia."

My eyes went wide, to the point where I thought they would pop out of my fucking head. "What?"

"You heard me, Elias." He took a sip of the beer I gave him earlier. "I think you should get with her."

Me and Kaia? There were so many reasons why that wouldn't work, why that couldn't happen. I mean, what kind of suggestion was that? Is he crazy?

Yes, he is.

"I can't do that," I told him, trying to sound as stern as possible. "Why would that even cross your mind?"

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