Chapter 45 - One Question

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When I woke up the next morning, Elias wasn't beside me. I had no idea where he went and why he left, but I decided I wouldn't wait.

After brushing my teeth, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen for some breakfast. I was greeted by the amazing Bruce, who I enjoyed conversing with when I came to eat.

"Good morning, Ms. Robinson." His smile was bright while he spoke. "It's good to see you."

"Hi, Bruce," I replied, getting comfortable at one of the tables in the middle of the dining hall. "How was your night?"

"My night was pleasant." I knew he was probably in his late forties or early fifties, but his brown skin still seemed to be fully intact. Only a couple of wrinkles on his cheeks here and there. "And yours?"

"Mine was alright." One last time, I looked to the entrance of the dining hall to see if Elias was coming. He wasn't. I ordered without him. "Can I please have some of your pancakes? They're delicious."

"Anything for you, Ms. Robinson." He nodded his head and turned around. "Give me twenty minutes and I'll bring them right out."

Bruce disappeared into the kitchen, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Last night was still replaying in my head. Nasir was dead. My father was coming. Elias still didn't know that I was Nathaniel King's daughter. He still didn't know that every bad thing that was happening in his life was my fault. That he and his brother were probably going to die because the last thing my father would ever do was leave loose ends.

I needed to leave sooner. I needed to get it done immediately. Nathaniel needed to die tomorrow.

Tonight, when the day was over, I would pack my shit and get ready. I would kiss Elias goodnight and pretend to sleep, then get a taxi to the airport, and do what needed to be done so badly. I almost felt amused. I almost felt content that I was going to kill my father.

While scheming about murder, I heard the elevator ding from outside the dining hall. Seconds later, Mr. Torres sauntered into the room. He was shirtless, smoking a cigarette, with a big smile on his face. Why did he look so fucking happy? And why wasn't he wearing a shirt?

"What's up with you?" I asked. Once he got closer, I could see the definition of his chest, and the way his v-line disappeared into his pants. The confidence in his step confused me, but it also excited me. Why did he have to look so sexy? "Where...where is your shirt?"

"It's right here, princesa" He pulled a crumpled-up grey shirt out of his back pocket and sat across from me at the table. His hair dripped water down his forehead, so I figured he just took a shower. "Why? You don't like what you see?"

Did he just call me princess?

Where was this coming from? His friend died yesterday, how was he in such a good mood? I tried to focus on if he was okay, but I couldn't take my eyes off his bare tan skin. I couldn't stop looking at the tattoo that was half-covered by his pants, or the cigarette between his full lips.

"No, I do. It's just--"

"I can't even get a good morning from my beautiful girlfriend?" Elias tilted his head to the side and leaned forward. Staring at me as if he deserved to be told good morning. "Come on, Kaia. Don't be rude. Say it."

This attitude was weird. I wasn't sure what was going on with him, but I went along with it anyway. "Good morning."

He grinned before standing up and leaning over the table. He kissed me. But not a regular tap kiss, it was a long, deep kiss that left me breathless after. That was when I knew Elias was drunk. I could taste the rum mixed with nicotine on his lips. It wasn't even noon yet and he was already drinking.

He didn't sit back down immediately. His mouth moved from my neck to my shoulder, where he hooked one of his fingers under the strap of my tank top, attempting to pull it down my arm. I didn't stop him. "You're drunk, Elias."

"Only a little." he took one last puff of his cigarette before ashing it on the table in front of me. Elias changed the subject quite quickly. "Do you want to make a bet?"

If I was being honest, I never knew how drunk he was. He hide it well, and he could also operate quite normally and make reasonable choices even while under the influence. If he had too much, he probably wouldn't have come down here in the first place, and he would probably be slurring his words as well.

I had a feeling he was getting intoxicated to forget about what happened yesterday. To forget that his friend was a traitor and that everything he owned was about to be stolen very soon. I decided to give him a break. I decided not to grill him about Nasir or anything else. If he wanted to drink to feel better, then it wasn't my place to say anything about it. After all, it wasn't like I was his mother or something like that...

If only I knew now how bad his addiction to liquor was. If only I listened to him when he told me he was an alcoholic, I would have cared more. I would have paid more attention instead of ignoring the obvious issue.

"What's the bet?"

"How long ago did Bruce leave to make your breakfast?"

"About ten minutes ago."

"How long did he say it would take to make?"

"He said twenty minutes."

"Perfecto." Elias's hand travelled from my chest to my lower stomach. "If I can make you cum before Bruce returns with your food, you have to answer one question about your family."

Not this shit again.

Of course, I knew he would bring up my family again sooner or later, I was just hoping it would be later. I was hoping I would be able to kill my father and come clean about everything before he insisted on knowing my extensive history. Before knowing my demons, and exactly who I was. I wanted Elias to understand when I told him about Nathaniel.

But on the other hand, the thought of Mr. Torres touching me again had me pressing my thighs together to keep my need in check. The way his mouth hovered over my throat, his warm breath on my skin, teasing me, tempting me, I truly wanted to say no, but I knew I couldn't.

And Elias knew I couldn't resist. He knew this was no challenge, no matter the shortage of time we had. He knew he just did it for me, and that whatever he wanted, he could have. But he had no idea how much control and influence really he had over me. How much I thought about him every day, and how my body practically called for him whenever he was near.

"Okay, fine." I scooted back in my chair so he could fully come to my side. He sat on the edge of the table and leaned down to kiss me once more. "One question. That's all you get."

"That'll be enough, for now." one of his hands tangled through my hair while the other worked on the drawstring of my pyjamas. He was still shirtless. One of the straps of my tank top still hung off my shoulder. "But you can't avoid it forever."

He held my bottom lip between his teeth before thrusting his tongue into my mouth, making sure to assert his dominance. I melted under him. I was surprised I didn't fall right out of the chair. "What am I avoiding, Mr. Torres?"

"You're avoiding your past, Ms. Robinson." Just then, his hand slipped into my pyjama pants and then my underwear. Suddenly, this didn't feel like a game anymore. This didn't feel like the harmless bet I thought it would be. "Are you lying to me?"

The intensity of his brown-eyed stare and his serious questions somehow turned me on. It made me nervous. It made me curious, as I knew Elias would never ask or say these things to me if he was sober. I could feel his fingers being coated with the juices that came out of me. I continued to press my thighs together, attempting to hide how much I wanted him, and how much I was enjoying this different version of Elias Torres

"I would never lie to you." I grabbed a fist full of his thick black hair as two of his fingers entered me, starting to slowly move in and out. I buried my face into his neck to keep quiet, and also so I didn't have to look at him. "And besides, you only get one question. Remember?"


Sorry I've been inactive but this story is honestly annoying me a little bit.

It still might take me time but I promise I'll push through for you guys! Stay with me!!!

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