Chapter 24 - He's Here

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His mother.

His fucking mother.

Out of all the people he wanted me to meet, it had to be her.

I was so nervous because I couldn't remember if I had ever met her, or if she had ever seen me with Bianca two years ago. That was why I freaked out when she asked, but luckily, Nina didn't seem to recognize me.

After my run-in with Alexander, Hooking up with Elias, and this birthday lunch, a lot was going on in my head.

I sat in between the two boys. Alexander glared at me when he could and Elias with his sad smile, it was safe to say I felt very weird.

And on top of everything, it was Daniels's fucking birthday. Guilt consumed me, spending time with Nina and Elias who thought he was dead, yet I knew he wasn't. I knew he was sitting in a cell somewhere, depressed and alone.

Suddenly, Nina sat up with her glass of wine, glancing at the table before announcing to everyone. "I would like to make a toast."

We all picked up our glasses, joining her for the toast she was about to make.

"To my beautiful boy Daniel..." she trailed, a single tear running down her cheek. "We miss you and we love you. Happy birthday, mijo."

"Happy birthday." Everyone repeated.

She sat back down, where the cook Bruce patted her shoulder as if to say a good job. My heart wrenched at the image, and those were words I would most likely never forget.

Elias stayed very quiet. I watched him as he downed all his wine in one go, and continued to fill his glass again. Alexander did the same, along with Nasir and the other guy I hadn't met. He looked familiar like he was the father of someone who worked here.

Mason's father.

The room began to feel small. I was surrounded by too many people, and the air was thick. I could barely breathe, processing all the grief that everyone else was going through at the loss of this one boy.

The table started eating, although the thought of food made me sick to my stomach. I watched Elias tap the plate with his fork, barely touching his lunch.

And neither did I. Tears burned my eyes, and I knew I couldn't sit here for much longer. I waited five minutes before excusing myself to the washroom, just for a second to breathe.

Instead, I found the balcony. Stepping outside for a moment, I leaned over the railing and looked up at the sky, attempting to think about anything but these people, this family.

I couldn't just stand here, I needed to do something.

Hesitantly, I pulled my phone from my pocket and scrolled through my contact. My finger hovered over my father's number, preparing what I would say to him when I dialled.

Maybe, we could talk? I could blow smoke up his ass for just a little if that meant I could save lives, save Elias, and even Daniel. The chance of that working was one in a hundred, yet I decided it was worth a shot.

I heard the balcony door slide open, so I shoved the phone back into my pocket. Turning around, I saw Elias there, cigarette in his mouth and lighter in his hand, ready to smoke.



"Are you upset with me?" He walked over to where I was standing, taking a puff and blowing the smoke away from my face. "Did I... uh- was last night too much?"

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