Chapter 7 - Loca

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I was trying to be funny when I said that. I thought she would laugh, but instead, she asked me this horrific question.

"Aren't you and Rachel getting back together?"

I choked on the air in my throat and began coughing. And it wasn't quiet, it was extremely loud and painful. What do I even say to that? Why the hell would I do such a thing?

"Fuck no." Finally, I caught my breath and stared at Kaia dead in her eyes. "Who told you that?"

"Rachel came to my room earlier and warned me to stay away from you. I was just wondering-"

"Rachel is a liar," I said sternly. "Don't listen to anything she says."

A small smile pulled at her lips as she twisted some of the pasta on her fork. "Interesting."

Interesting? How is that even remotely interesting? Rachel's crazy ass was going around and lying about me. I didn't find that interesting, I found that upsetting. What was that going to do? She doesn't own me. Maybe she did before, but that was a long time ago. I was sick of her shit.

And not only do I have to deal with this now, but also whatever the hell was going on in that room upstairs. No one was to enter floor nine except me and my employees. I made that very clear, so now I would have to visit them and see what was going on.

Kaia wasn't stupid. A gun was fired, and she heard it. Why wasn't she scared? Or packing her stuff and leaving? Even though she didn't have a way to get where she was going, I expected a different reaction from her.

But she continued to eat, unbothered. I watched her closely. The green and brown eyes, beautiful hair, beautiful face, and beautiful body. What was such a perfect-looking woman doing here at a place like this?

I had been thinking about that ever since she arrived, yet I had no time to figure it out. Rising from my seat, I sent a quick text to Alexander asking him to meet me on the ninth floor.

"I have to take care of something." shoving the phone back into my pocket, I began to exit.

"Okay, goodnight," she answered softly.

I didn't respond or look back as I left, too focused on the issue at hand. I got into the elevator and pushed the button, going up to my destination.


Why did I think I could get away with this? Why did I think Kaia wouldn't see or hear anything at my hotel? The thing is, I didn't think, obviously. If I had been thinking, I would have turned her away, no matter the circumstances at hand.

Well, I wouldn't let this happen again. That was for sure.

Stepping out of the elevator, Alex was waiting for me and he immediately knew there was something wrong. "What's going on?"

"There's somebody else here, other than Kaia."

I turned my head to face him, and his eyes went wide with surprise. "Really?"

"Yes," I told him, frustration in my tone.

Before I got to elaborate, I saw another one of my men approaching us, most likely patrolling the floor. His name was Mason, about five foot ten, and probably one of the strongest guys I had. He was built like a tank and knew how to fight better than all of us.

"Hi, boss." he greeted, then gave a shy nod to Alexander. I wasn't quite sure why, they were usually good friends. The redhead gave Mason a sly smile as if they were aware of something that I wasn't.

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