Chapter 35 - Alcohol

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Tw- mention of rape/assault

I smiled, thinking about my girlfriend. "Her name is Ka-"

My sentence cut off when we heard something in the distance. I looked past Bianca and Raphael to see Alexander laying flat on the sand, laughing aggressively.

We all rushed over to make sure he was okay. I peeled him off the ground and dusted the sand from his shirt, noticing a fresh bruise on his face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Bianca glared at her brother, picking up some of the broken glass that had fallen beside Alex. "Perché l'hai colpito?"

(why did you hit him)

"Ha provato a baciarmi!" Lorenzo shouted, pure anger swirling around his dark green eyes. "Maybe you should be asking what the hell is wrong with him."

(he tried to kiss me)

"Dagli una pausa." Raphael cut in. He dusted the rest of the sand away and made sure Alexander stood up straight. "Ovviamente è ubriaco."

(give him a break, he's obviously drunk)

Even though I didn't speak Italian, I got the idea of what they were saying. Alexander's dumb ass tried to kiss Lorenzo, earning a punch right in the face.

Again, I couldn't take this boy anywhere without him embarrassing me.

Lorenzo stared at the ground before apologizing. "I'm sorry."

"It's all good, man. I'm sorry as well. I've had a few too many." Alexander brushed my arm off of him as he began to walk away. "And I'll probably have a few too many more, so please excuse everything I do and say for the rest of the night."

I followed him, sending Bianca and Raphael my own apologetic look, meaning that I would get back to them after I made sure my friend was okay.

We entered the building, where more food could be found. Waiters ran around the tables, bringing plates to the guests filled with delirious-smelling meals. I sat Alex down in the corner and handed him a glass of water.

"Stay here while I go check on Kaia, please."

He nodded, his eyes slightly closing as he struggled to sip the water. I believed he would be fine without me, and so I ventured off down to numerous hallways to find the nearest woman's restroom.

She was nowhere to be seen on the first floor, so I climbed up the spiral staircase to the second. Ten minutes went by before I found the one she was in.

"Excuse me." A dark-haired woman cleared her throat. "This is the lady's room."

She turned around, and when I saw her face I almost fell over. She looked... exactly like Raphael. With the same striking grey eyes and the exact nose shape he had, I badly wanted to ask if they were related.

But there was no way she could have been his mother or anything like that. His mother died years ago.

I didn't have time to get into that. I was here to see Kaia. I was here to check on her.

"Yes, and I happen to have a vagina." I held her gaze, to which she scoffed and folded her arms over her chest. "Would you like me to pull down my pants?"

The woman rolled her eyes and began to exit. "Just don't let anyone else see you in here, Elias."

She knew my did she know my name?


And with that, she was gone. Leaving the washroom empty other than me and my girlfriend. I decided to leave it alone. Standing in front of the only stall that had feet under it, I knocked on the door.

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