Chapter 11 - Date Night

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It was impossible not to admire this woman.

With her confidence, her charm, or even her presence in general, Kaia knew exactly what she was doing.

When we got out of the elevator, her hips swayed as she walked. She didn't overdo it, but it was just enough to make me look. To have me lost in the thought of her...

Until I was distracted.

"Well, isn't this something." Rachel sat up from the front desk and approached us. I almost forgot that she worked down here. "Where are you guys off to?"

"Your mom's house," Kaia smirked. "She says I make her feel like no one else can."

I laughed at that.

"I'm glad to know that your sense of humor is worse than a child's." Rachel folded her arms over her chest. "That wasn't funny."

Kaia took a step closer to me, her arm looping around mine. "I thought it was funny, what did you think, Elias?"

Was this the part where I was supposed to side with one of them? If I agreed with Kaia, then I'd be dissing Rachel. And if I agreed with Rachel, then I'd be dissing Kaia?

It took me a second to catch on, I wasn't used to being fought over by women, but my answer came easy enough. "It was quite hilarious, actually."

Only then did I realize that Kaia was touching me. She was doing that thing that girls do when they hang onto someone's arm while walking. It was adorable.

Yet I had the feeling that it was just to show off in front of Rachel, which was understandable. But I wanted Kaia to touch me because she wanted to, not to make my ex-girlfriend jealous.

Rachel's pale cheeks seemed to turn red with embarrassment. She didn't handle insults well, it's always been an issue for her. "So, you're just going to allow her to speak to me like that?"

"Like what?"

Kaia stifled a giggle beside me, her grip on my arm tightening. Suddenly, I began to feel a certain unease. I didn't want Rachel around us, ever. I couldn't trust what she would do or say.

This needed to stop. Her jealousy, her entitlement, and her audacity. I was a man. A grown fucking man who could make his own choices. I prayed that one day she will finally understand how it was.

"Like what?" Rachel repeated my words as if they didn't make sense. "Elias, she just-"

"I suggest that you go sit down and get back to work, please." I slowly turned around with Kaia, attempting to shut the conversation down as soon as possible.

And of course, Rachel didn't appreciate that.

"Excuse me?" she grabbed my shoulder and yanked me back hard. "Don't walk away from me when I'm speaking to you-"

That took me by surprise. Ms. Rachel Ross was putting hands on me now? Not including the other day when she grabbed my dick, she never tried to push me around. What the fuck was going on?

Luckily enough, my date came to my rescue. Kaia's hand wrapped around Rachel's wrist, stopping her from pulling me even more. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

She ripped herself from Kaia's grasp, making sure to take a step away from us. Then, her tone of voice switched from angry to sad. "Elias, baby, please tell me where you're going. I just want you to be safe..."

The guilt trip.

That was Rachel's favorite move. Shouldn't she have learned by now that I didnt give a shit?

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