Chapter 43 - It's Not Her Fault

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I could barely process the fact that I was giving away my hotel. I could barely focus on what I was doing with the thoughts of Kaia rushing out to answer the phone yesterday. I was frustrated and confused.

And now... this?

"Is that Nasir?" I leaned in closer to the laptop to get a better look. I still couldn't fathom what I was seeing. "Zoom in, Alexander."

He paused the video and zoomed in. It was footage of Nasir talking to Nathaniel in the lobby of my hotel. Nasir was nervous. Nathaniel had that same sadistic smile he always had.

Nathaniel handed something to Nasir. They shook hands, and then Mr. King proceeded to leave. They were... they were working together? This whole time? Nasir was in on it? A man I had known for years had double-crossed me?

"I was looking through the footage from while we were gone, just to make sure nothing happened that Nasir might have missed." Alex proceeded to show me the file where he found the video. "He tried to delete it. But as you know, nothing gets past me."

"Is there anything else you found?" I finished my glass of whisky in one go. I was going to need the whole bottle if I wanted to deal with this properly. "Is he here now?"

"Nothing else. And yes, he's here." He closed the laptop and sat on the desk in front of me. "How do you want to go about this, boss?"

"How we always go about things." I poured myself a glass, and one for my friend as well. "I'll call him up here."

I called Nasir, and he said he'd be right up. Alexander and I managed to finish the bottle before he arrived. We drank quickly. I needed to be at least tipsy to face him. If I was sober, I probably would have just started screaming.

He entered my office, wearing a plain pair of sweatpants and a white shirt. He was a little sweaty, leading me to believe he had just been working out. His black hair was messy, growing out on the sides and the top, far longer than he usually had it.

Nasir looked normal. Not even worried, as he had no idea why I called him.

"Sorry, I was just at the gym. I didn't have time to change." He wiped his forehead with his shirt, then sat down in one of the chairs across from my desk. "You wanted to see me?"

"Are you working for Nathaniel King-"

I snapped my mouth shut when Alexander took out his gun and hit Nasir across the head with it, knocking him out immediately. That wasn't exactly what I meant by how we always go about things. I planned to question him first, but we didn't even get there before Alex took it upon himself.

"Jesus Alex, you're so fucking violent." I stood and walked around my desk, running a hand through my hair. "Now we have to carry him."

"You think he would have gone down there willingly?" Alex huffed, pulling Nasir off the chair and onto the ground. "Now grab his legs and help me. Don't be an asshole."

This was going to be another long day.


Nasir was almost as tall as me and as heavy as Alexander, so it was a challenge to lug his unconscious body all the way to the elevator. Once we got to the basement, we dragged his body to one of the cells and chained him at the wrists and the ankles.

We waited for a full thirty minutes for him to wake. Alex and I spent the time arguing about whether we should kill him right away or at least wait until he gave us some answers. It was obvious what I wanted and what he wanted. I loved that boy with my whole heart, but he had absolutely no patience. Alexander wanted to get this over with as fast as possible so we could move on.

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