Chapter 26 - Peace And Quiet

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We made it to the car, but it took an extra thirty minutes to lose the men that followed us away from the hotel. Alexander shot the wheel of their truck and it deflated, allowing us to escape.

They were going to kill him.

They were going to kill my best friend.

And they shot her.

They stabbed my girl.

I had never felt so enraged in my life. My hands gripped the steering wheel so hard that my knuckles were turning white, but I couldn't be bothered.

The only thing I could focus on was Kaia passed out in the seat next to me. We managed to find something so that we could wrap her leg. The knife didn't go deep enough to kill her, yet it made quite the mess.

Blood covered my shirt, my hands, and the car seat she was sitting in. I waited patiently for her to wake up, glancing over every couple of seconds to make sure she was still breathing.

I couldn't lose her.

It wasn't fair.

She could have died.

I did this to her.

"She'll be fine," Alexander reassured me from the back seat. "Let's go to my Abuela's house, it's far away from here and safe for all of us."

"It's her fault." Rachel scoffed. I could see her crossing her arms over her chest in the reflection of the mirror. "If you never let that bitch stay here, we wouldn't be in this situation. I know it, I just know it."

"It's not her fucking fault." Alex defended Kaia, shutting down her comment right away. "They stabbed her, she's obviously not working for Nathaniel."


"Then I guess you really are as stupid as you look." Rachel shot back. "Have you seen Kaia? She looks exactly like Nathaniel. There's no way they aren't related."

I refused to even consider the idea of Kaia working against me. Nathaniel might be crazy, but would he stab this girl just for money? There was no way in hell I would believe that. It just wasn't true. It couldn't be true.

Rachel was just saying this to try and turn us against her. Like I said a hundred times before: she was still jealous, and she still couldn't get over the fact that I wanted someone else now, that she wasn't my fucking girlfriend anymore.

I was angry enough to reach back there and punch her in the face, yet I decided against it. Instead, I continued to drive, attempting to ignore the incessant bickering behind me.

"You know Rachel, you're useless," Alexander said, giving her the dirtiest look of all time. "And I think you're an idiot."

"I'm not an idiot, I'm just pointing out the fucking obvious." She responded, flicking some of the blond hair out of her face. "Kaia's just another whore trying to seduce both of you, and it's working."

"She's not a whore." I snapped, feeling even more irritated as every minute passed. "Shut the fuck up."

"Says the girl who's on a strict diet of drugs and dick." Alexander laughed, finding the irony in her statement. "Speaking of drugs, do you have any coke? Because that would be perfect right now."

"Go fuck yourself." Rachel snarled.

Alex laughed even louder. "I fuck my hand every night. You should try it, maybe you could get rid of the stick that's always up your ass."

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